10 Character Lessons from a Special Guest

Hi Bella here. I’m the furry one.

My mistress is exhausted because she spent yesterday entertaining little miss, so… I volunteered to do this post.

I saw that my kissing cousin, Simba, did one for Kav last week, and have wanted to try my paw at it ever since.

Then I saw that a little dog was even at the Oscars, and actually spoke. People are finally realizing that we have lots of important lessons to teach! 

Now you’ve probably read some version of these lessons around cyberspace before, but honest (cause I can’t even cross my toes to tell a lie like all my mistress’s heroes do in their undercover work) I really live this stuff.

#1 Eat with gusto and enthusiasm…rubber boots, hubcaps, vinyl siding…it’s all good!

#2 No matter how often you’re scolded, run right back and be friends. Guilt trips are for cats.

#3 When you’re happy, dance around and wag your entire body.

#4 When a loved one comes home, run to greet them.

#5 Delight in the simple pleasure of a long walk.

#6 Be obedient…when it’s in your best interest.

#7 Avoid biting when a growl will do.

#8 Romp and play daily and take plenty of naps.

#9 Never pass up the opportunity for a joyride.

#10 When someone is having a tough day, sit close by and nuzzle them gently…and offer to write their blog. “grin”

Your Turn: How’d I do?

Oops, my mistress said I need a better question than that. How about…

What have you learned from a dog, or cat (since I know not everyone likes my species, but c’mon…
my mistress’s cat sits on the couch and waits for me to walk by so it can swat me. What’s with that?

I’m a good dog. I don’t lie on the couch. I, um, took a bite out of it once, but I’ve NEVER lied on it. lain? laideded? I can’t figure out your grammar. Anyway, thanks for reading this far. Hope you have a woofing good day!