What a Difference A Week Can Make!

Saturday I had fun hanging out at the local library with other local authors. DJ Murphy and I showed off our youngest readers…and I tried not to be put out by my grand daughter’s apparent preference for DJ’s book to mine. LOL.

It was a treat to be away from the computer for an entire weekend.

Anyone miss me Friday?

Last week was a challenge for me as I wrestled through revisions, while fighting a series of migraines due to the unsettled weather…and probably somewhat due to my unsettled feelings about a couple of scenes in the story that I was struggling to make work. 

I’m ecstatic to report that I typed “The End” on Friday evening and celebrated by reading other people’s stories all weekend. What a treat!

One of the stories I read was an advanced reader’s copy of Margaret Daley’s 2013 release, Scorned Justice. Oh my. She kept me up until 1 am. There were lots of twists and turns in the plot, but wow, I did not see the big one coming. If you love romantic suspense, you’ll want to add this one to your to-be-read pile.

This week, I’ll read through my own story one last time, and write a revised synosis for the art department, as they begin their task of creating a cover for the story, which… still hasn’t been named.

My apologies to all who offered suggestions on that front. We haven’t won over my editor with any yet.

Your Turn: What do you like to do for a change of pace?


  • Sandra, offering a baby’s smile at a book signing is much better than presenting a bowl of chocolates. She’s adorable 🙂

    Your question on change of pace is perfect timing since yesterday I actually had a change of pace for a change: after church my husband and I enjoyed brunch out and then a matinee performance by a local theater company of Man of La Mancha, which definitely encouraged me in my dreams!

    BTW, you have amazing book covers!

    • Elaine, oh wow, listening to “Dream the Impossible Dream” definitely sounds like a great way to recharge. 🙂
      So glad you like my covers. The Art department is great to work with.

Great to "see" you here today! I look forward to reading your comment.