Ginny Bryson Interview

This interview of heroine, Ginny Bryson, first aired on Noelle Marchand’s blog Character Confidentials on November 16,  2011

Ok. Give me the scoop on Rick Gray. I heard he’s back in town. You two have a history together, don’t you?

Yes, we met at a community center where we were both working with special needs kids. I was a little intimidated at first by his tough-bald-guy appearance, but he had the most magnetic blue eyes and was so patient with the kids. He told me he was a security guard and a believer, and I fell for him fast and hard. Unlike other guys I’ve dated, he wasn’t the least bit uncomfortable around my mom and sister. He was so great with my sister. One time, she baked him a cake and ran out of whipped cream. Not knowing any better, she finished decorating the cake with shaving cream. But he ate it!

Then the night he took me to the city for a special dinner, I saw his double life up close and personal when a gang member that he was obviously friends with buddied up to him and started plotting a robbery. Rick completely transformed right in front of me. He didn’t even try to stop me from leaving or call later to explain.

Hmm. Well, do you think he’s changed any since then?

I don’t know what to think. He says he has and I want to believe him. I really do. But he’s not even using his real name. I’m not even sure what his real name is. He says he was trying to sell the gang out and didn’t want me caught in the crossfire. But he never called in all those months. Lori cried for weeks after he left. I can’t let him hurt us like that again.

What was it like to see him for the first time in fifteen months?

Oh. It was so hard. The warmth in his voice… And one look in those eyes… I had to fight against everything in me not to fall for his lines again.

It sounds to me like the old flame hasn’t entirely died out yet. Is there a particular characteristic of his that you’re really drawn to?

He looks at my like I’m the most precious thing on earth and he’s so protective. Most of my life, I’ve been the one doing the protecting.

So what is keeping you apart?

How can I trust him? As safe as I feel curled in his arms, I know he’s keeping something from me. Something very important. If we can’t build our relationship on honesty and trust, I can’t do it. I just can’t.

Let’s change the subject a bit. I hear you’re doing some PR for your uncle Emile Laud. Why don’t you tell me about your latest projects for him?

My uncle is a developer and I write web copy, brochures and other advertisements for him. But my work for the group home is volunteer. It’s the least I can do with all my uncle’s doing to get it built.

I’ve heard some mixed opinions about your uncle and his business practices. What do you think of him?

He’s the most honorable, kind-hearted man I know. He’s invested a lot in this group home out of the goodness of his heart. He’s always been there for me.

Tell me about the rest of your family. You have a sister and a mother, right? What is life like with them?

I love them with all my heart. My sister has such a sweet temperament. She always makes me smile. My relationship with my mom is a little complicated. For years I felt like I was the mom as she battled alcohol addiction after my dad died. But the Lord changed her heart and she hasn’t drunk in a long time, although since she was diagnosed with cancer, sometimes I wonder.

Lori is the main reason your uncle is building a group home. There have been some strange things happening during its construction. I’ve even heard something about a saboteur. What do you think of that? Is there any more information you can give me?

My uncle thinks it’s the locals who don’t want people like my sister living next door. Rick thinks my uncle’s business rivals are behind it, but that doesn’t make any sense. This development isn’t taking business away from anyone else. My uncle doesn’t stand to make a dime on it. I’m worried that some of Rick’s enemies have followed him here and want to make trouble.

Rick works at the construction site so I bet it seems like you can’t get away from him. What do you think his role is in all of this?

I’m not sure I understand what you mean. He’s the foreman for the project. He claims that he’s trying to start over and really needs the job. Why he had to take a job with my uncle of all people I don’t know. But as difficult as it is to see him so often, I can’t think of anyone who would work harder to make this place happen for Lori.

From the outside looking in, it certainly seems like God is working on something in your life. Is there something he’s been dealing with you about lately?

Yeah, I think he probably is. Ever since Rick came back, my mom and sister have welcomed him with open arms without any consequence for how much he hurt us. I guess I resent that. If I were honest, I’d have to admit that I battle bouts of resentment when my mom treats me like a three-year-old when I’m the one who has taken care of us most of my life. Probably after years of being lied to, I’m a little quick to judge. Appearances aren’t always what they seem.

Is there anything else I should know?

I really just want Mom to love me. When she criticizes me, I try not to lash out, not that I don’t think it. But deep down I just want to be loved.