A Rose by any other Name…

Okay, getting back on track today with our “conversations about characters”!

Over the weekend, I read Susan Sleeman‘s cozy romantic mystery, Nipped in the Bud. I don’t often read cozies, but Nipped‘s quirky humor was a fun change from my usual fare.

Since I’ve written a mystery/suspense series that features a herbal medicine researcher, I was particularly taken with the clever idiosyncrasy Susan gave her character of thinking of each person she meets as a flower.

Lots of questions we could discuss on that front, such as if you were a flower, what would you like to be? Or what kind of flower do you think others would say you are?

I’d like to think of myself as a sunflower. My hero in my October release gives the heroine sunflowers because they are bright and cheerful like her. And like sunflowers, I strive to keep my face looking toward the sun (son)!

On the flipside, sometimes in life we attach labels to people the minute we meet them, and treat them accordingly, only to find out later that we were wrong.

Now, for my undercover cops, snap judgments are a survival skill, but most of us need to be careful about unwittingly doing harm to others as the result of a less-than-stellar first impression.

 Your Turn: If you were a flower or plant, what would you be…or like to be? Any suggestions for guarding against making snap judgments of those we meet.