It’s a Holiday…

Welcome to Conversations about Characters.  I typically post on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. And if I’m guest blogging elsewhere on a Tuesday or Thursday (which I am all this month), I generally provide a description and link on those days.

Since today is a holiday in Canada–Yippee!!–I’m taking a day off to celebrate the release of my debut novel…drum roll…tomorrow!! 

BUT … before you run off, I want to tell you that I have a special guest stopping by on Wednesday to share the story behind the story in her historical romance. It gives me goosebumps. I hope you’ll come back to hear all about it.

For those who haven’t figured out the method to my madness…or read my “About This Blog” page (tab at top of blog), here’s how I post:

Mondays are dedicated to character discussions, largely springboarding from questions at the back of Love Inspired books. 
Wednesdays will include a diverse range of character-related posts, including the occasional guest post, or hero, heroine or villain interviews. 
Fridays are reserved for whimsical posts that will give you a glimpse into my life, and whatever else strikes my fancy. 

NOW, if you’ve read this far, you are a super-wonderful friend, and I wish you a blessed day…
Why not read a good book?!


Great to "see" you here today! I look forward to reading your comment.