Day 13 ~ Over Maya Dead Body

As you can tell, my editorial team and I had a lot of fun creating punny titles for my Serena Jones Mysteries. Over Maya Dead Body, about smuggled Mayan antiquities, was the final instalment in the series…at least for now.

I sincerely still hope to write Easy Come Easy Go, A Cezanne for Love, and whatever other fun titles present themselves. 🙂 

Midwest books review: another deftly crafted masterpiece

The Spoilers Facebook Chat Group

After Over Maya Dead Body released, an awesome Serena fan from Australia, Katie Donovan, suggested we start a Facebook group where readers could discuss the books, and commiserate over broken dreams (if Serena didn’t choose their male pick). She even volunteered to be the group’s admin with me, and so the “Let’s Chat About Serena Spoiler Group” was born!

It’s on Facebook and to join the group, you need to answer 3 questions to prove you’ve read the books, (or at least the final one), because we sure don’t want to spoil the ending for you. 😆 

Since it’s been 5 years since Over Maya Dead Body released, we don’t chat much these days. But new readers, who hear about the group, trickle in from time to time, and it’s always fun to hear what they thought about the ending. I’ve also shared deleted scenes there that I didn’t want to share publicly, because they’d be spoilers to those who haven’t read the books. There’s even a fan fiction proposal from one of our members for the opening of the next Serena Jones mystery. 😎 

So…if you’re reading A Fool and His Monet for the first time, or the hundredth…

You do know A Fool and His Monet is FREE this week, right? 

Get it for your favourite device or all of them:

Kindle, Kobo, Nook, Google Play, and iBook

…when you finish the series, consider joining the chat group. You’ll be the first to hear when that elusive next instalment finally comes to fruition. 

Our Eighth Book Recipient: 

In honour of the chat group, today’s recipient was randomly chosen from that group. Congratulations Pam Kellogg! Let me know which book you’d like. And as a special thank you, Katie Donovan and Laurie Benner, I want to send you books too. Let me know your picks. (We won’t count those 2 toward the 25 book giveaway 😉 )

In other News…

Tomorrow is the last day to get Identity Withheld at the special $1.99 price. 

And you still have all this week to enter the rafflecopter giveaway for Boughs of Folly. 10 books to be given away!