My newest cozy mystery and 25th novel,
Boughs of Folly, releases June 25th, and
To celebrate, I’m giving away 25 books!
Recipients will be randomly selected from newsletter subscribers, Facebook followers, blog visitors and rafflecopter entrants.
Enter the Rafflecopter Giveaway

Don’t miss the free book offers too:
Beginning June 1st, I’ll highlight one novel each day in the order of publication, and announce various publisher price promotions, including freebies, so you can economically add even more books to your library. If you enjoy, Christian Fiction–romantic suspense from Love Inspired Suspense or mysteries from Revell Publishing, or if you’re looking for a lighter, clean read–cozy mysteries and romantic suspense from Annie’s Fiction, you’ll find them here.
In the meantime:
Take a moment to tell me in the comments below which of my novels you’d most like to add to your collection. You can find the complete list here:
Then come back each day from June 1st to 25th for more news. Or subscribe to the blog feed in the side bar.
Thanks so much for sharing this celebration with me!
You can also visit me today at Fiction Finder, where I have a new author interview posted: