This past week I had the privilege of both attending and teaching at Write!Canada.
I had tons of fun hanging out with my editor and my agent

and old friends and new friends, and despite entering this new week severely sleep-deprived because of it, I have an I-can’t-wait-to-write-today anticipation that I haven’t felt in weeks, maybe months!
Fellowship with fellow writers and awesome classes can do that, but a huge part of the credit goes to Ted Dekker’s inspiring keynote address and class.

I have to admit that the last Dekker book I read was Three. The plots started getting too dark for my comfort level, so I wasn’t sure what to expect from his talks. But wow, I am so glad I didn’t miss them!
He was so open and honest, talking writer to writer.
We learned about his childhood on the mission field in Indonesia and at boarding school, and his rocky journey to publication, and the new fears and struggles that came with sudden success. Too often our identity is wrapped up in our job or our children or spouse or in what we accomplish instead of in the Father and what he’s done for us.
Then he shared a proverb about a person who climbs a rope to get away from the tiger chasing him, only to be faced with a second tiger at the other end of the rope and two mice nibbling through the rope.
He likened the tigers to our fears and how if you’re focused on them you won’t escape the fear and see the beauty around you…the strawberries.
He admitted that he often needs to consciously let the fear fall away before he begins writing each day and remind himself that the accuser is the one telling him he doesn’t love this.
When we let go of the fear & the lies, rivers of living water–creativity–can flow.
He likened our stories to sandcastles and authors are like kids playing in the sand.
We’re having fun making stuff up. If we don’t like it, we can wipe it away and start over. Change the story.
So go have fun and build a sandcastle!
Tiger image courtesy of anankkml /
photo credit for sandcastle: KenC1983 via photopin cc