Introducing A Must-See Site for Christian Fiction Lovers & Giveaway

Discover a whole new world of Christian fiction authors

I have invited the creator of the newly revamped Christian Fiction Site, Soul Inspirationz, to share a bit of the site’s interesting history and exciting future. It is an awesome resource for readers and will soon become a go-to site to sort through the exploding indie market in Christian fiction. At the end of the post, we’ll also be sharing an exciting giveaway we’re hosting at her site.

Soul Inspirationz Banner

Hi, my name is Ellie and I run Soul Inspirationz // The Christian Fiction Site. I live in New Zealand, and thanks to the internet, have been able to express my love of Christian fiction over the years with readers all over the world by sharing what I find on the website.

Elle (2)It all started back in 1998, when I was an internet newbie, and I watched someone else make a “homepage” as they were known back then. I saw the HTML code and what it did, and thought, “I can do that!” So of course, I did. So, just like everyone else at the time, I started a homepage about me and the things I liked. But just like everyone else’s homepage, it was rather boring. I wanted to share more about what I loved – which was Christian fiction and music.

At the time, there were a few websites that shared information about CCM music, so it wasn’t very original to duplicate something that was already being done. It was easier to link to those sites from my homepage and focus on my other great passion… fiction. But, there were no publisher websites to look at. Not a single author website. No Facebook. No Goodreads. Not even MySpace was available then. Just So, I started with the authors I loved most at that time – Janette Oke and Gilbert Morris. I created pages that listed their books. And it really didn’t take long to complete those lists (Gilbert Morris was still only halfway through writing his House of Winslow series back then).

Screenshot 2013-11-12 18.06.43

At that time, if I wanted to hear more about the next book my other favourite authors were bringing out, I had to search long and hard for them – and realised it would be the same for everyone else as well. Working voluntarily in a Christian bookstore here, I had the advantage of having access to the publisher catalogues, so knew what to look for, but of course, the average reader did not have such information at their fingertips. And that’s when the idea to create a website listing monthly Christian fiction releases was born.

It started out small, simply called “Ellie’s World of Christian Fiction”, but by 2002, the monthly listings of new releases were getting a lot of attention from readers, authors, librarians, and even publishers, so the site was renamed “The Christian Fiction Site” and given a new look. Still, a primitive look compared to today’s standards, but back then, the only way to create a free website was the hard way – typing in the HTML code from scratch. In addition to listing the new releases, I had the opportunity to interview a few Christian novelists as well.


By 2007, I had a full-time job that took all my time and energy, so unfortunately had to stop updating the website as it was too time-consuming, and I couldn’t keep up with the monthly lists. At about that same time, though, other sites were established and were able to pick up where I left off. And although my efforts were gone from the website, my love for Christian fiction remained. (You can still see the old website in its archived state here.)

Just over a year ago I found myself with enough time on my hands to investigate re-establishing the website. With advances in websiteJulie Lessman creation during the past five years, I found that if I chose the right option, it didn’t need to be as time-consuming as it once had been. So, after a bit of research, I settled on Weebly and started the new website on Christmas Day 2012. By mid-January the new site was launched, rebranded as Soul Inspirationz // The Christian Fiction Site, and the first author’s interview with Julie Lessman was posted on the all-new blog.

While creating the Author Portfolios and hosting the author interviews

(now with giveaways) were fun, by August I noticed that unlike I had previously thought, there was still nowhere on the internet listing monthly fiction releases like I used to do them. So…

in September, the first of the monthly new releases posts was published, complete with book giveaways, and a new era was born. CBA Trade titles are listed at the beginning of each month, and Category Fiction is listed in the second half of the month (Love Inspired and Heartsong Presents). A new section focussing on novel releases has also since been added to the main site.

A community forum

was added in August, and has become a hub for readers to share what they love about the books they read, and ask other readers about authors and novels they are not familiar with.

So, what does the future hold?

With a shift in the way novels are published in recent times, there is a whole new frontier to be explored with the showcasing of

indie Christian novels.

Without the publishing houses to screen the novels for content and quality, readers rely on the honest reviews of others to determine whether a title is worth reading or not. And without the marketing prowess of the publishing houses, authors are struggling to get their novels “seen” by the audience they are intended for.

So this is where Soul Inspirationz // The Christian Fiction Site can step in.

 Over the coming months a new feature service will be available for readers to find quality indie Christian novels to read, and for indie Christian novelists to list and advertise their titles to readers.

If you are a reader

and would like to know more about this new feature, sign up here:  Soul Inspirationz Readers Club

If you are an author

and would like to know more about this new service, sign up here: Soul Inspirationz Author Directory

Once there is something in place, you will be the first to know 😉

I hope you take the time to visit and browse through all that Soul Inspirationz has to offer. Dozens of Author Portfolios have been added, with hundreds more to come. Featured Authors have been spotlighted all year, with at least one scheduled every week. Sign up to receive the blog notifications by email, so you don’t miss out on any of these Featured Author Interviews or the monthly new release listings. You can also find Soul Inspirationz on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.

Have Your Say:

In the comments section below: Let me know what you love to see in a website dedicated to Christian fiction. What would you like to see more of? Is there anything you would like to see less of? What would make your browsing for your next read easier? Are book reviews helpful or do they influence your reading choices in a negative way? What about book trailers, do they work for you? I would love to hear your thoughts!

Giveaway for Sandra Orchard’s Deadly Devotion and Blind Trust

Soul Inspirationz is hosting a rafflecopter giveaway for a copy of Deadly Devotion for you or a friend of your choice, and an advanced copy of Blind Trust, once available, plus additional prizes contingent on the number of entrants. You get more chances by doing things like sharing the post, liking Sandra’s FB page etc., but there are 2 mandatory questions to answer to enter. You can view the copter here or at Soul Inspirationz. All entries are thrown into the same hat. (Giveaway void where prohibited.)


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Join Me in Remembering

Please spare two minutes today, and join me in remembering the men and women who have sacrificed so much for our freedoms. 

This music video is a poignant reminder of its value and makes me cry every time I watch it.

A Pittance of Time by Terry Kelly

In Flanders Fields               

My dad serving in the British army as a young man in the early ’50s
My dad serving in the British army as a young man in the early ’50s


In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved, and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.

Take up your quarrel with the foe;
To you from falling hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.

(written by Liet.-Col. John McCrae, a Canadian medical officer serving at Ypres)

An American woman, Miss Moina Michael, wrote We Shall Keep the Faith in response and wore a red poppy as a way to keep faith with the war dead. She later proposed the idea of selling poppies to raise funds to help ex-serviceman, a tradition continued to this day. 

Image courtesy of dan at
Image courtesy of dan at


How To Support the Authors You Love


Debut suspense author, Janet Sketchley, shared these simple tips in her recent author newsletter and I thought they were so good, I asked her if I might share them here. In these times, when so many forms of entertainment compete for people’s attention, we need to let others know that there are entertaining, wholesome and inspirational alternatives.

Reading a good book?

Talk about it, in person and online. Just quick comments, nothing scripted or fancy.

Finished reading a good book?

Consider a quick review on Amazon, Chapters, Goodreads or wherever else you have an account. Tell what you liked/disliked and why, so others will know if it’s something that matters to them too. Please, no spoilers!

Share your copy with a friend, or donate it to your public or church library.

Say hello to the author on social media.

Writing is a lonely business. If you see an online interview or review, leave a friendly comment. As well as encouraging the author, comments  can make the site more visible to others. This goes for Facebook posts too.

Speaking of Facebook and other social media, remember the “like” and “share” buttons.

If you share a post or a link on Facebook, write something about it in the status part of the message. If only the link address shows up, people aren’t very motivated to read it.

Author Lynn Dove has some other great suggestions: If You Love a Writer as does

Karen Ball: How to be an Influencer.

If you’d likHeavens_Prey_Front_Cover-302x468e a chance to win a copy of Heaven’s Prey by Janet Sketchley, there is still time (ends Nov 7th) to get in on the blog chase. Scroll down to last Thursday’s post to check it out or start at the beginning by clicking here. If you purchase a paperback copy of the book before November 16th, she’s offering some cool extras that you can learn more about by clicking here.

I love how she’s connected the theme of her book to non-fiction helps such as Freedom From Fear by Grace Fox in this offer. 

Speaking of showing love to authors, I want you to know how much I appreciate you taking the time to visit my blog, and those who leave comments here and on FB and who write me encouraging notes or who write reviews or share my bookmarks or my book or ask their library to order it in etc. etc. etc. I feel very blessed by the support my readers have expressed.

 Your Turn: What’s the most creative or influential way you’ve shared Christian fiction with others?

Girl with books image courtesy of stockimages at

Heaven’s Prey Blog Chase

Heaven's Prey Blog Chase graphic

Heaven’s Prey is a novel of suspense and redemption, so let’s have some fun with a “blog chase.” Follow the trail between Oct. 31 and Nov. 7, 2013 for a chance to win a print copy of Heaven’s Prey.

You’re at the third stop in the chase. Welcome! You’ll need to visit each stop so you’ll know the answers for the quiz at the end … that’s how you enter the prize draw. To start at the beginning, click the arrow:

Arrow to the beginning of the blog chase
Back to the start

Let’s peek into the story world:

Disconnected images swirled in Ruth’s mind. Susan as a golden-haired six-year-old, in a blue flannel nightgown with white kittens on it, glowing with excitement over her first sleepover with Auntie Ruth and Uncle Tony. Susan the poised young woman, crossing the stage to accept her nursing diploma. The frayed teddy bear she’d taken with her to Toronto.

Frantic questions rang in a mental voice-over to the memory collage. What about my dream? God, where were You? Or couldn’t You do anything after all?

Tony’s breath warmed her hair. In the midst of the blackness, Ruth blessed this man who never said “I told you so.” She wrapped both arms around his thick waist and held on.

Ruth’s eyes were so dry they burned. Part of her heart begged God for help, but part held back. Her niece was dead. Murdered. And God … God hadn’t spoken after all. Hadn’t intervened.

Stepping out of the story …

Did you know? The ship on a Canadian dime is Nova Scotia’s most famous schooner, the Bluenose. (Link: Official Bluenose site)

Photo of the Bluenose II in Halifax Harbour, Nova Scotia
Photo credit: Janet Sketchley

Heaven’s Prey releases November 1, 2013. Visit Choose NOW Publishing to read a sample chapter … just don’t forget to come back to the chase! Preorder links are on the Choose NOW site as well.

arrow to next stop
Next stop on the blog chase

Heaven's Prey book blitz click here

Marry Me by Kristin Wallace

This week, I’m delighted to introduce a brand new inspirational romance writer to you!


Kristin Wallace writes stories filled with love, laughter and a leap of faith. When she’s not writing her next novel, she works as an advertising copywriter for clients that have included the Miami Marlins, Discovery Networks, Radisson Seven Seas Cruises, The Peabody Hotel and Sea World. She also enjoys singing in the church choir and worship team and playing flute in a community orchestra.

Her debut novel, Marry Me, represents a 17-year journey toward publication.

Growing up Kristin devoured books like bags of Dove Dark Chocolate. Her first Golden Book led to Laura Ingalls Wilder, Nancy Drew, Encyclopedia Brown, C.S. Lewis and the Sweet Valley High series.

Later, she discovered romance novels and fell in love all over again. So it’s no surprise that Kristin would one day try her hand at writing them.


Marry Me is a contemporary inspirational romance set in the fictional, Southern town of Covington Falls, Georgia.

 Here’s the blurb:

She’d vowed never to fall in love…

 Julia Richardson is no fan of weddings. A lifetime of watching her parents treat relationships like the flavor of the month has taught her that love is for fools. Then she learns her former stepsister is having a crisis with her pregnancy. The crisis has Julia returning to the small Southern town – and the family – she’s been avoiding for years. Before she knows it, Julia’s been pressed into service running her stepsister’s wedding planning business.

 Julia doesn’t know a garter from a garden hose, but now she must navigate couples along the bumpy path down the aisle – despite wardrobe malfunctions, killer bees, and plenty of near disasters.  In the midst of it all, Julia makes the most unexpected discovery of all…Love, with Seth Graham, the widowed local minister! Julia’s been running from love and everything spiritual for most of her life. It’s not until she finds the courage to stop running that she finds her own “I Do” moment.

Marry Me is available as an ebook at Amazon, Barnes & Noble and

Your Turn: Any questions for Kristin?

Writing to Music

Many writers choose a theme song for their work in progress, to help them get into the mood of the story or their character. After all music can evoke a wide range of emotions. Fear. Joy. Heartache. A rallying to action. A frenetic sense of spinning out of control. All of which are wonderful fodder for a rewarding reading experience. Right?Pic of Musical Notes

So, this past week, I decided to experiment with it for my current wip. 

I’m working on the firefighter story for Love Inspired Suspense that I’ve mentioned here before. The heroine is in witness protection and, of course, the bad guys have located her. She feels as if her life will never be her own again, certainly will never be the life she’d dreamed for herself. So…

I chose the song I Dreamed a Dream as sung by Susan Boyle for my heroine’s theme song. 

Each morning before I start writing, I play the song, and yes, sing along, imagining myself as my heroine–imagining the dreams she has that she believes are lost forever.

The music stirs in me all the emotions my heroine is feeling and that I want to get onto the page. And I find that it really helps get my creative juices flowing.

I don’t write with the song playing in the background. In fact, I never write with music with lyrics playing in the background (even if what’s playing is an instrumental version) because the lyrics will play in my head and distract me. I simply use the song to kick start my writing.

Your Turn: When and why do you listen to music?

Image courtesy of fotographic1980 at

Happy Thanksgiving Canada!

It’s a holiday here in Canada. And I’m making the most of the beautiful autumn weather to enjoy with my family.

I’m thankful that… “The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” Lamentations 3:22-23

For all my Canadian readers, Happy Thanksgiving! Have a great week, everyone!

Introducing Melissa Tagg and a fun Romance

I was incredibly honored to read an advance copy of Melissa Tagg‘s newly released, debut novel Made to Last and am super-excited to be able to interview the star of her novel, Miranda Woodruff. 

First a bit of background about Made to Last:

Cover of Made to Last

Miranda Woodruff has it all. At least, that’s how it looks when she’s starring in her home-building television show, “From the Ground Up.” So when her network begins to talk about making cuts, she’ll do anything to boost ratings and save her show–even if it means pretending to be married to a man who’s definitely not the fiancé who ran out on her three years ago. When a handsome reporter starts shadowing Miranda’s every move, all his digging into her personal life brings him a little too close to the truth–and to her. Can the girl whose entire identity is wrapped up in her on-screen persona finally find the nerve to set the record straight? And if she does, will the life she’s built come crashing down just as she’s found a love to last?

My Review:

This is an awesome novel. Melissa Tagg’s voice is bubbly and energetic and tons of fun.  As an home improvement kind of girl myself, I immediately related to Miranda. I have to admit that I thought I had the story’s plot figured out from pretty early in the book. I was sort of right and really, really wrong. Melissa had so many delicious twists in the story that I never saw coming. She kept me up reading until 3:30 in the morning, because I couldn’t wait to see what would happen next, and the romantic tension sizzles.

Love. This. Book. If you’re looking for a laugh-out-loud, make-your-heart-ache romance with a compelling spiritual message beautifully woven through, look no further.

Now…introducing…Miranda Woodruff.

Miranda is currently filming the fourth season of her show From the Ground Up—but word on the street is, the network could be considering cutting her show altogether. Viewers tend to love her personality and her DIY guru persona…but what they just might love best? Her fun stories of the husband she met while building houses in Brazil…the man who taught her all she knows.

 Only problem is… he doesn’t exactly, well, exist.

 Enter, her pretend husband.

 You’re pretending to be married to a goofball of a guy named Blake…who is this guy and how in the world did you come up with him?

Blake is pure fluke. He showed up on set one day, looking so much like my former fiancé that I practically chased him down. Less than a week later, I found myself exchanging fake “I do’s” and welcoming him into my home. He’s a little crazy, yes. He goes by the nickname Blaze, which should really tell you a lot right there. He’s hilarious…but also a little mysterious. I have a feeling there’s more to him than he’s let even me, his fake wife, see.

 Why in the world would you lie about being married?

 Because it’s a nice way to pass the time…? Sheesh.

Well, you’ll have to read my story for the full scoop. 🙂 But the short answer is, it started with an impulsive fib prompted by guilt…and it ballooned before I realized what I’d gotten myself into. It’s not like I actually set out to lie to the whole country. I honestly thought I would be married by the time the first episode of my TV show ever aired. Once the lie was in place, it was easier to go along with it than…not. Maybe, partially, because I preferred seeing myself as the person I pretended to be rather than the person I was.

Why are you so concerned about saving your television show? You’re a celebrity with a lot of talent. Shouldn’t it be easy to start over somewhere?

The thing is, it’s not just about me. There’s my whole crew, who have invested so much into this show. There’s my manager, Brad, who is one of my best friends, and my director, Tom, who believed in me even when I could never remember not to turn my back to the camera. There’s the local backwoods family I’m helping and the shelter in Asheville I’m supporting. And then there are the viewers…I hate the thought of letting them down.

What’s the most difficult building project you’ve ever done?

I should probably say one of the houses I helped build in the slums of Brazil. Our equipment definitely wasn’t top of the line, nor were our materials. So that should be the most difficult. But honestly, the biggest challenge has been trying to build my own home. I started building it years ago on property I purchased in a clearing in the Smoky Mountains…and I still haven’t finished. One half of the house is completed and livable…the other half is just wood frame and cement foundation, covered by weather-beaten tarp. And if you want to know the truth, it’s a little too accurate of a metaphor…

Last question…Matthew…?

Um, that’s the whole question?

Yup. Spill.

He’s a reporter…?

Not good enough.

He’s cute…?


He manages to stay cute even while digging into my personal life…?

Better, but we want the details.

Then read the book. 🙂

Fair enough. And blog readers, if you’ve enjoyed my little chat with Miranda, you’ll really enjoy this fun romantic romp!

Her creator is Melissa Tagg, who has an equally fun bio and looks a lot like Miranda, don’t you think?

Melissa Tagg picMelissa Tagg is a former newspaper reporter and total Iowa girl. In addition to her homeless ministry day job, Melissa is also the marketing/events coordinator for My Book Therapy, a craft and coaching community for writers. When she’s not writing, she can be found hanging out with the coolest family ever, watching old movies and daydreaming about her next book.

During her reporting days, Melissa interviewed presidential candidates and llama farmers, rode a hot air balloon and flew a plane, and once came face to face with a buffalo. But today she gets her kicks by letting her characters have their own fun. She’s passionate about humor, grace, and happy endings.

 Links where you can find her:






 Your Turn: Any questions for Melissa or perhaps a home improvement question for Miranda?  😉

In other news: The Kindle version of my herbal researcher sleuth mystery/romantic suspense, Deadly Devotion, is currently selling on Amazon for only $1.99! If you’ve been thinking about checking it out, this price will be hard to beat. I even bought one for myself! You can find it here: (There are apps available to read it on other devices and computers)




Do Your Eyes Hurt?

Eye pain is a common complaint among writers.


However, no matter how you spend your days, the discomfort in your eyes may not be due to eye strain or dry eyes like you think, or like the doctor keeps telling you.

And…there is relief!

A couple of years ago, the pain in my eyes became so unbearable that I couldn’t work on my computer for more than an hour here or there. After years of being told to use drops for dry eyes, whenever I mentioned eye discomfort to my doctor, I was finally referred to an ophthalmologist.

The suggestion to use drops was reasonable. People who work on computers all day don’t tend to blink often enough, and combined with working in a low humidity environment, can certainly suffer dry eyes.

But for me the drops didn’t provide relief for more than three minutes.

The ophthalmologist diagnosed me with blepharitis. I’d never heard of blepharitis and, even if I had, probably wouldn’t have thought it was my problem, because while itchy or burning eyes or the feeling that you have a foreign object in the eye are common symptoms (ones I had as well), eye pain isn’t a common symptom.

Moreover, aside from crusty eyes in the morning, I didn’t perceive any of the common signs such as inflammation, flaky patches on the eyelids, loss of eyelashes, red rims of the eyelids etc. At least not that I could observe, although the ophthalmologist clearly saw telltale signs that I didn’t.

But do these symptoms–sensitivity to light, burning or gritty or itchy eyes, mild tearing, crusty eyes–describe what you’re feeling?

If they do, you may have blepharitis and a simple morning and evening routine may bring you tremendous relief.

Blepharitis can be an acute condition that once it clears up, won’t recur, or it may be a chronic condition, which would require you to continue this routine for continued relief. There are different causes of blepharitis, ranging from blocked oil glands to allergies to a staphylococcal infection, and your doctor may prescribe an antibiotic for your eye as well.

I used prescribed antibiotic drops for one week for two consecutive months and didn’t need them again for more than a year when I had another flare up.

Here’s the routine for treating blepharitis:

1) Put a warm compress on your eyes for two minutes. This is to soften the oils on your eyes that may be blocking glands. A wet compress usually doesn’t stand warm long enough. The kind you heat in the microwave work well.

2) Wash your eyelids, top and bottom, paying special attention to the rims and lashes with a clean washcloth and non-burning baby shampoo. 

Repeat morning and evening.

My doctor warned me that for the first few days the pain could actually worsen, although I didn’t experience that. His assistant told me that her father had been suffering eye pain for years and that this routine, combined with the one week per month antibiotic drops, had been like a miracle cure for him. It certainly gave me significant relief within days.

I’ve shared my experience with a couple of friends when they’ve complained of eye pain, and they too, experienced significant improvements by simply practicing the eye washing routine. So…

I thought I’d share my experience with you. The routine certainly can’t hurt (well, other than drying out your skin a bit around your eyes, which might not help the fight against wrinkles 😐 ), and is definitely worth trying.

Your Turn: Any questions? Comments? Experiences with eye pain?

BTW, on Thursday I am interviewing Jennifer Delamere over at the International Christian Fiction Writers’ Blog and she is giving away a copy of A Lady Most Lovely, which received a starred PW review. And the giveaway is open internationally! 

Photo Credit: Image courtesy of graur codrin at

Warning Signs by Katy Lee – Review & Giveaway & Cool Video

I had the privilege of reading an advance copy of Katy Lee’s debut Love Inspired Suspense, Warning Signs, and unreservedly recommend it to all fans of the romantic suspense genre. This book will not disappoint. 

First the Back Cover Blurb:


When a drug-smuggling ring rocks a small coastal town, the DEA sends Agent Owen Matthews to shut it down. A single father with a deaf son, Owen senses that the town’s number one suspect—the high school’s new principal—doesn’t fit the profile. Miriam Hunter hoped to shrug off the stigma of her hearing impairment when she returned to Stepping Stones, Maine. But her recurring nightmares dredge up old memories that could prove her innocence—and uncover the truth behind a decades-old murder. Yet Owen’s help may not be enough when someone decides to keep Miriam silenced—permanently.

There are tons of things I love about this book. It’s fast paced. The villain is a mystery so the story keeps you guessing. It has a perfect blend of romance and suspense.

But what makes this book stand out for me is it’s unique heroine.

She is an avid swimmer and a principal of a small regular public school in Maine and she’s deaf. She refuses to let her physical challenges keep her from going after her goals.

These characteristics make for many insightful comparisons and intriguing twists, such as can we really trust her interpreter male sidekick?

Equally compelling, are the wonderful lessons the story conveys. It will transform how you think about, and interact with, those who are different from you, in particular the deaf.

One of the fun aspects of the story was learning about special signs for names. I invited Katy to tell us a little more about that. Click the “play” button to view her presentation. (Ensure your volume is on)

Cool, eh? I created this sign for my husband: his initial “M” waved over my heart to show my love for him.  😉


Your Turn: Create a sign for your name or the name of a loved one and share it in the comments for a chance to win a copy of Warning Signs. I’ll contact the winner by email and share the name here on Sunday.

Update: Sunday, Sept 29th — Our winner is Sonja! Congratulations, Sonja, please check your inbox for my email.


BTW if you haven’t read Katy’s first published book, you can check out my review here: It is another must-read.

Pic of Katy Lee

As an Inspirational Romantic Suspense author, Katy Lee writes higher-purpose stories in high-speed worlds. Through her writing, ministries, and teaching, she dedicates her life to sharing tales of love, from the “greatest love story ever told” to those sweet romantic stories of falling in love. Katy and her husband are born New Englanders and love to travel with their three adventuresome children.  You can connect with Katy anytime at her website, There you will find links to Facebook and Twitter.  She’d love for you to look her up!


Also on her site you will find details to take part in the Lighthouse Photo Contest.  She hopes to receive lighthouse photos from around the world. So please, take part!