Deadly Devotion ~ I’ve got a cover!

Over the next couple of weeks my blog posts may be put on hold as my web designer transitions my blog to my website. Hopefully everything will transition smoothly and those who receive the posts by email or RSS feed will continue to do so after the transition without a glitch.

If weeks go by with no new post…you’ll know it didn’t, and I hope you’ll stop by my website and reconnect. In the meantime, I am sooooo excited to share the cover for the first book in my upcoming series with Revell~June 2013.

What do you think? Does it make you want to take a second look?

Here’s the blurb:

Research scientist Kate Adams and her colleague Daisy are on the brink of a breakthrough for treating depression with herbal medicine when Daisy suddenly dies. Kate knows that if it hadn’t been for Daisy’s mentorship, she wouldn’t have the job she loves or the faith she clings to. So when police rule Daisy’s death a suicide, Kate is determined to unearth the truth.

Former FBI agent Tom Parker finds it hard to adjust to life back in his hometown of Port Aster. Though an old buddy gives him a job as a detective on the local police force, not everyone approves. Tom’s just trying to keep a low profile, so when Kate Adams demands he reopen the investigation of her friend’s death, he knows his job is at stake. In fact, despite his attraction to her, Tom thinks Kate looks a bit suspicious herself.

As evidence mounts, a web of intrigue is woven around the sleepy town of Port Aster. Can Kate uncover the truth? Or will Tom stand in her way?

Hooked yet? I hope so. ~smiling~

I’m working on the second book in the series now…

Happy Thanksgiving to all my American friends!

Winners & For Writers

Writers, please join me at Seekerville today, where I’m sharing a suspense writer’s technique for adding new layers to your story–whatever genre you write. Of course, everyone is welcome to stop by and leave a comment whether you write or not…there is a giveaway. ~smiling~

Now…before I tell you who won copies of Lynette Eason’s Danger on the Mountain, I want to share a picture from my trip to Niagara Falls.

Isn’t that beautiful? My daughter and I had a fun time doing the tourist things you never seem to do when you live in the area.

Okay…enough dawdling…the winners of Danger on the Mountain are:
Shatara Byrd, Lee Carver, and Aria100…please email me (SandraOrchard (at) ymail (dot) com) your snail mail addresses so we can get your books out to you.

Congratulations to our winners! And a big thank you to everyone who joined the conversation.

Guest Post ~ Introducing Cherish This Christmas

Christmas is coming! Do these words fill you with joyful anticipation…or dread at the thought of approaching chaos and clutter?
On December 31st do you wonder what happened instead of wondering at Christ’s birth?

I (Paula) invite you to cherish Christmas as never before. Journey back in time as you get to know those who were there, and bring new meaning to your own holiday. Cherish This Christmas helps each of us discover our unique role during this precious time of year as we get to know the One whom we celebrate differently…maybe a little better.

This year let’s cut through the chaos and choose to… Cherish This Christmas! This collection of daily devotions will take you back to the days of Jesus’ birth and help bring more meaning to the chaotic days of December. Through scriptural insight and personal reflection, Paula will help you to Cherish This Christmas.

You can purchase the book here at Amazon, the Kindle edition here, or at Paula’s CreateSpace store.

 About the Author: Paula Davis’ writing encourages her readers to apply God’s Word to everyday life. When years of searching for “Mr. Right” left her heart empty, she turned to God for comfort and found so much more. Paula now knows firsthand that completeness and contentment is only found when her eyes are focused on Jesus. She wants others to know this truth as well. Paula loves to share with others what she’s learning about the depth of God’s Love. At Christmas time, you’ll find her in Central New York reading, baking or cuddling her little dog, Lucy, while sipping a good cup of coffee. You can follow her blog at  

The Giveaway To jubilate the release of her debut book, Paula is celebrating and you’re invited to join along with her giveaway!

One lucky winner will receive:

  • Two copies of Cherish this Christmas, one to keep and one to give to a friend
  • A $25 Amazon Gift Card

Enter today by heading over to Paula’s blog and jumping on the Rafflecopter. But hurry, the giveaway ends on December 15th. Winner will be announced at Paula’s website, December 16, 2012.

Note from Sandra: I’ve turned comments off for today’s blog. Please visit Paula’s blog if you wish to ask her any questions. Have a great weekend everyone!

Danger on the Mountain ~ Discussion & Giveaway

What a pleasure it has been to once again be working my way through my to-be-read pile! Last week, I read fellow LIS author, Lynette Eason’s newest release, Danger on the Mountain. 

I can always count on a fast-paced suspense with a satisfying romance when I pick up one of Lynette’s books, and Danger on the Mountain didn’t disappoint. It started with a shoot-em-up-bank-holdup-near-kidnapping and tensions remained high straight through to the explosive finale.

The hero Reese is a new deputy in the small town of Rose Mountain–a man still trying to heal from the loss of his wife and child.

I asked Lynette what inspired her to write his story. Here’s her answer:

Well, he needed one. 🙂 Reese was a character in a previous story, Holiday Hideout. I just loved his character in that book and decided he needed his own story. And sure enough, as soon as I started writing it, and brought a woman into his life, he just came alive. I really like Reese’s story and hope readers will too!

Lynette and I first got to know each other when we roomed together at the 2010 Writer’s Police Academy. We’re the ones on either end, and in true cop form, we’ve smudged out the faces in between to protect their identities. ~grin~

For those readers not familiar with Lynette, she’s the award winning, best-selling author of several romantic suspense novels, including Too Close to Home, Don’t Look Back, and A Killer Among Us. She writes for Revell as well as Harlequin’s Love Inspired Suspense line. She is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers and Romance Writers of America. Lynette graduated from the University of South Carolina and went on to earn her master’s degree in education from Converse College. She lives in South Carolina with her husband and two children.

And…did I mention she’s very generous?

Lynette is giving away THREE copies of Danger on the Mountain. Just join the conversation below to be entered, then come back next Monday when the three winners will be announced.

Your Turn: Reese is determined to get the person who’s after Maggie and her baby. He couldn’t help his wife and daughter, but this is something he can do. He can catch the bad guy for Maggie. What does this tell you about Reese’s personality? Yes, I’m making you think to be entered in the giveaway. 🙂

Fun Friday ~ We have a title!

Sorry I’ve been AWOL this week, I’ve been working on proposals for more books ~grin~

To all those who helped me brainstorm titles for the Love Inspired Suspense I submitted last week…my editor emailed to let me know they’ve chosen:

Fatal Inheritance
It wasn’t one of the titles suggested by anyone on the blog, but your input was invaluable in getting to it. Thank you!
Fatal Inheritance will be released August 2013. Next, I look forward to seeing what kind of cover the talented members of the art department come up with for it. 
In other Fun News…
Critical Condition has been nominated for the
Monday, I’ll be back to regular blogging with a chat about Lynette Eason’s newest LIS, Danger on the Mountain…and a giveaway.

Help! What do you love or hate on websites and blogs?

Can you believe it’s already November?!

The Fall weather has gotten me in the mood for some serious reorganizing, including revamping my web presence.

Over the next few weeks, I’ll be working with a web designer to create a totally new look for my website and to integrate my blog into it. I’d love to get your input!

I’ve been trolling the web looking for things I like, and things I don’t, so that I can give the designer a good sense of how I’d like the site to work.

For example, my new publisher would like my site to have more of a romantic suspense feel than it’s current romancey lilac colors. I love the suspense look of a white-on-black site, however, I can’t read them. I mean that I literally can’t read white on black for more than a paragraph or two. My vision starts to go hazy with white lines floating across it and I get a headache.

Do you have any experiences like that? Color combos you love or hate?

What do you currently like about my Sandra Orchard website? How about this blog?

I’m talking about anything from content, to the location and type of page tabs, to the amount of white space, to one- versus two- versus three-column formats.

What do you go to an author’s website for? Book extras? Writing tips? Resources? To learn more about books or upcoming ones?

What do you wish more authors would have on their websites? Feel free to share links to your favorite examples.

Any pet peeves about websites, blogs?

My biggest frustration with some blogs is figuring out how to leave a comment if someone hasn’t already left one. Sometimes the icons or words are so small that if you’re not familiar with the blog template, the button is impossible to find. If you’ve found a blog that is not like that, please share the link, I’d love to check it out.

My designer will be using a template, which limits me somewhat over the html design I’m currently used to, but it’s a lot more economical way to go in terms of design time, and hopefully he’ll have the expertise to mold it to my preferences.

Your Turn: I’d love to hear your thoughts on any of the above!

Not a Fan

Maybe I’m just getting old, but the costumes and decorating for Halloween have just become far too creepy for me. When my son was little and we lived in the city, he didn’t even want to walk down the street for the entire last week of October because of the frightening severed heads hanging from trees and other gruesome scenes.

Thankfully where we live now, the worst we see on a morning walk is a smashed pumpkin some rowdy teens threw at the mailbox.

As a kid I used to love the creative challenge of creating a really great costume, not one mom sewed from a pattern or bought at the store, one I made for myself.

Do kids do that anymore?

I don’t know about you, but I’m looking forward to tomorrow when all the chocolate goes on sale for half price! Okay, maybe I’d better avoid the stores for another week!!! 

Introducing a Cool New Site for Fans of Christian Fiction

Novel Crossing is a comprehensive new website designed to be the go-to place where faith and fiction intersect.

Currently in its beta stage, the possibilities look enormously promising.

Novel Crossing wishes to build a community of Christian fiction readers by offering articles from top Christian fiction authors and others, reviews from readers, popular bloggers and media sources, an extensive database of all Christian fiction titles, and opportunities for readers to discuss Christian fiction.

While this is a project of Waterbrook Multnomah, Christian fiction books from all publishing houses will be included on the site. The database is still in the process of being built so authors who don’t see their books should let them know.

The site promises to be a true social media experience. If you sign up as a member, your home page will be customized with news pertaining to your reading tastes.

You’re supposed to be able to make “Novel Crossing friends” and share updates with them, but I haven’t figured out how. If someone knows, please share in the comments.

If you’d like to get updates on my upcoming releases from Novel Crossing, you can click on my profile, and below the picture and list of current books and a fancy scroll line, there’s a button that says “follow this author”.

You can also create book clubs or join discussion threads.

And…you can write 1-sentence reviews of your favorite books. 

If you’d like to add a quick rating or review for any of the books in my Undercover Cops series, here are the direct links to each book’s page:
Deep Cover;   Shades of Truth;   Critical Condition

You can be the first!

There are many other meeting places for Christian fiction lovers online.

Groups abound on Goodreads. I’m in Christian Fiction Devourers, Love Inspired Books, Christian romance readers, and fans of Christian romance. Family Fiction Magazine and Fiction Finder are other great sites to find information about Christian fiction. Fiction Finder also invites browsers to leave reviews.

Your Turn: Do you have a favorite online source that you consult for the latest in Christian fiction?

For Writers ~ How to Get Private Tutorials From Your Favorite Authors

Are you an aspiring writer? Ever wish an accomplished author would come alongside and help you make your writing shine?

Friday we talked about the value of reading fiction for what we can learn from the characters and their story. But if you’re a writer and yearn for the day when you, too, will be published, there’s another reason for you to read.

To learn how writers write. To learn what works and what doesn’t.

For the price of their book, and a few colored pencils and paper, you can have private tutoring lessons from any author you want. The trick is to learn to read like a writer.

If you’ve been on this writing journey for long, you’ve hopefully learned by now that the characters in each scene need goals, they need strong reasons for pursuing those goals, things at stake, and they should face obstacles to achieving them.

So choose a compelling scene from your new mentor’s book. What are the goals of the characters? Why do they want these things? What’s at stake if they don’t get them?

Stop and think about what some obstacles to those goals might be if you were writing the story. Would those obstacles propel the character to push forward or change directions?

Now look at the obstacles the author throws in the character’s path. Did she surprise you? Why do you think she chose a particular obstacle? Did it deepen characterization? Did it simply get the character to the next place she needed him to be?

Did the scene tug at your emotions?

Figure out why. How did she draw you into her character’s skin?

Through thoughts? Through telltale actions that, at first glance, might seem incidental, but on a deeper psychological level clue the reader into the fact the character is trying to distance himself from his emotions, or the situation, or whatever?

Or did the author use a powerful symbol or metaphor that conveyed a deeper meaning, perhaps on a subconscious level?

Look at his word choice. How does he convey the character’s mood through the character’s perceptions of the world around him? For example, an author might show the same setting through different characters eyes to contrast their outlooks. Or he might show how a character’s perceptions change over the course of the story.

What in the scene bugs you? Why?

Why do you think the author chose to include it? Do you think it was a conscious decision?

One thing that drives me a little crazy in romance stories is copious descriptions of what characters are wearing or the room they’re standing in. I don’t tend to visualize what’s being described so it doesn’t help me create a better image in my head.

Also as a mystery writer, I put elements into a story for a reason. So…

 When I read a bunch of details about a room, including that “gold” pillow on the sofa, I expect it to be there for a reason. Maybe that pillow was used to smother Aunt Agatha, or maybe the killer lost something between the cushions, or maybe the author is showing how this particular character, an aspiring interior designer, doesn’t miss a single thing when she enters a room–a quality that will prove important to the outcome of the story.

What promises, however inadvertent, does the writer make to the reader in the scene? Does he deliver on them later?

I could go on and on, but hopefully you get the idea. I will add though, that you will also learn a lot from dissecting books or scenes that you don’t find compelling, and analyzing why, so you can avoid similar missteps in your own writing.

Your Turn: What have you learned from reading other writers’ fiction? Any questions about why I made certain choices in my books? The answers may surprise you. ~grin~

Giveaway Winner: Jes you are the winner of Beth Vogt’s novel Wish You Were Here. I will be emailing you for your address. Thank you to all who joined Friday’s conversation!

Images courtesy of Ambros & photostock at

Fun Friday ~ Guest Beth Vogt & Book Giveaway

I’m thrilled to have Beth K. Vogt as my guest today. I met Beth a couple of years ago at an ACFW conference and have enjoyed “talking books” with her ever since. Beth believes God’s best often waits behind the doors marked “Never.” She is an established magazine writer and former editor of Connections, MOPS International’s leadership magazine. And now…is a multi-contracted author!

I invited her to stop by and talk about characters. Take it away, Beth…


I’ve heard people say they don’t waste their time reading fiction. Oh, the stories they are missing!

I see a novel as a wonderful opportunity – an invitation, really – to explore and to question, while “living” the literary lives of people like PJ Sugar (a favorite Susan May Warren heroine), or Joy Ballard (thank you, Rachel Hauck) or Anne with an “e” (compliments of L.M. Montgomery), or even my own Kendall Haynes, who wrestles with life not going according to plan in my upcoming novel, Catch a Falling Star (May 2013, Howard Books).

Kendall’s story was prompted by a conversation I had with a good friend – mixed with a little bit of “what if?”

I write fiction, so all of my characters are imaginary, right?

Well, sort of.

I’ve borrowed my friends’ names and loaned them to the people living between the “Once Upon and Time” and “Happily Ever After” in my books. And, no, I’ve never used a friend’s name for a villain. There are limits to friendship.

I’ve also given my main characters the same jobs as some of my friends, although none of them rescue bad-boy llamas like Aunt Nita in my debut novel, Wish You Were Here.

So far all my fictional characters live where I do (Colorado), although I take “novelist’s license” on the details of their homes. You won’t find me giving a street address for anyone, but I do mention specific locations like the Air Force Academy or a favorite restaurant or two. (On the Border, anyone?)

The most realistic aspect of the imaginary people in my stories? They confront true-to-life problems – the same issues you and I deal with. Things like:

· falling in love with the wrong person

· wrestling with the consequences of a poor choice

· navigating dicey family relationships

· unraveling misconceptions about God

· Choosing between forgiveness and unforgiveness

More specifically, I’ve had characters deal with topics like cutting and pornography and divorce and child abduction and infertility and adoption and singleness.


I like my fiction flavored with reality.

How about you?

Your Turn: When was the last time you read a novel and forgot you were turning the pages of a book? Do you have a character who is so realistic that you’re drawn back to that story again and again to re-read scenes?


Wish You Were Here, Beth’s debut Christian romance novel, released May 2012. Her next book, Catch a Falling Star releases May 2013. She’s giving away a copy of Wish You Were Here to one lucky commenter. Winner will be announced Monday.

About Wish You Were Here: 
Allison Denman is supposed to get married in five days, but everything is all wrong. The huge wedding. The frothy dress. And the groom. Read more

Visit with Beth at