This Picture Book Makes a Wonderful Gift

No, I’m not writing picture books now. But my friend has!

This is my friend whose daughter was the inspiration for the developmentally challenged sister of Ginny, the heroine in my first published book, Deep Cover.  

I was so excited to receive Jesus, Let’s Talk as a gift to share with my grandchildren.

The book was created to help children, early readers, and people with developmental differences enjoy the sweet basics of conversation with Jesus. This natural approach to prayer is truly inspiring.

The colorful photographs of children and young people were specifically chosen to celebrate that the fingerprints of God are on all people, all around the world.

The book also highlights key words using American Sign Language. This allows little ones who are not yet talking, or those who experience hearing impairment to express themselves, as well as those who simply want to have fun learning new ways to communicate.

My grandchildren (ages 0 to 6) are captivated by the photographs of real children and love to learn the “signs” for the words depicted on each page.

Our two-year-old, who usually rapidly turns to the next page before I can finish reading the one we’re on, didn’t do that with this book. He studied each picture, attempted the sign language I taught him from the page and listened to the simple prayers. They are wonderful examples of how to pray and demonstrate how to view ourselves through God’s eyes.

The pictures were also a springboard to interesting discussions with our four- and six-year-olds about the challenges some children and families face.


The author is Lisa Jamieson who, alongside her husband, parents a grown daughter with special needs and is a national disability ministry leader. She is also a speaker and the author of Finding Glory in the Thorns and related Bible study materials. Jesus, Let’s Talk is her first children’s book.

The photographer is Ann L. Hinrichs who serves missionaries worldwide, while enjoying the arts as a musician, worship leader, voice teacher, and international photographer.

This book would be a wonderful gift to any parents or grandparents of young children, or children with special needs, or to the children themselves. It would also be an excellent resource for Sunday School classes and in the primary classroom of Christian schools.  

I highly recommend it.


The View From Here

As you may have deduced from my sparse number of blog posts of late, life’s kept me busy. A happy busy.

I’m grateful for Facebook that allows me to regularly connect with many of you. I do so love our interactions there. 

That said, the past couple of weeks, I’ve noticed a lot of posts around the blogosphere about a


each post’s author has chosen to focus on for the year and felt inspired to chime in. I’ve contemplated choosing a “word” a few times, but I’ve never made a conscientious effort to follow through. 

Last year, for example, I knew I needed to focus on finding balance (that is to say figuring out how to be a writer and have a life too). I did take an extended vacation with my husband and prioritized spending time with my grandchildren and rediscovered crocheting and amazingly, still managed to finish three manuscripts!

We won’t mention how few blog posts I wrote here.  😳 

‘Cause, hey, this weekend, I even FINALLY got around to finishing painting the very large rec room I’d started before my grandson’s accident two years ago!!!

As I was prepping the very old plaster walls (no easy task), the word perspective kept coming to mind. 


And wow, who knew how many cobwebs hide in the corners under those low tables? 

Remember . . . last year’s word was balance, so dusting wasn’t a priority.  😀 

The cobwebs got me thinking about the trouble I could get my newest heroine into and how I could shake up the story simply by changing her perspective of the situation.

Then came the leaking window.  😕 

The cracked plaster beneath the corner should’ve been my first clue. But the fact my plaster repair job refused to cure was the clincher.

So . . . I tore off trim and (reminisced about how much I missed renovating) 😉

Getting into the walls gave me a whole new inside-out perspective

(Unfortunately not one that, as of yet, has revealed the source of the window leak.) 

But it did entrench the compulsion to think more on perspective this year. 

The word actually goes hand in glove with balance, since it means “true understanding of the relative importance of things,” as well as, “a particular attitude towards or way of regarding something.” 

And . . . bonus . . . it can be a writer’s best friend in crafting stories!

Your Turn: Have you ever chosen a word to focus on for a year? If so, would you share how it worked for you.


Cobweb Image courtesy of Pansa at



Merry Christmas!


Sorry I’ve been so quiet around here. I’ve been hanging out with my grandchildren a lot.  😀 

I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and a happy, healthy new year!

In the Mood for more Art Crime? Book Sale

Hey, everyone. Sorry I’ve been quiet here for so long. The past six weeks have been a blur. I had a fabulous time at my first Bouchercon Mystery Conference. It was especially fun to meet Maureen Jennings, the author of the original Murdoch Mysteries, and to hear how they evolved into a popular TV series. 

Then my grandson had another surgery on his whole leg to straighten it, so I’ve been spending a lot more time with him and his siblings, helping out, since they also have a new little baby in the family, and it will be a few more weeks yet, before he’s mobile again. He is progressing fabulously, though, and we so appreciate the prayers of the many who have been remembering him. 

Now . . . to the book sale news. 

If you’ve only recently discovered my novels, you may not realize that before Serena Jones and the Port Aster Secrets series, I wrote several romantic suspense novels. 

One of them, Perilous Waters, is about another member of the FBI Art Crime Team, Sam Steele, and he’s chasing down the bad guys aboard an Alaskan cruise.  

Cover for Perilous Waters

May I just inject here how much fun I had researching this novel!  😉 

The great news is that right now, Perilous Waters is on sale for 99¢ on all the Ebook platforms. 

Sooo, if you’ve enjoyed following Serena Jones’s cases, now is a great time to pick up Perilous Water, because I’m not sure how long the sale will last. 

Click on the book’s cover above to go to the book’s page on my site, where you’ll find links to iBooks, Kobo, kindle etc. through the “buying options” button. And after you read the book, check out it’s bonus features here


Please join me at the International Christian Fiction Writers blog today, where I am interviewing Canadian author Stacey Weeks, who also happens to be one of my treasured brainstormers (Nate’s champion in the Serena Jones series.)  😛 

And she’s giving away a copy of her debut romance The Builder’s Reluctant Bride to one randomly selected commenter. 



And the randomly selected winners from last week’s blog giveaway (using are: Pirrko, Lynda, Faith and a bonus winner, Jody. Ladies, please look for my emails in your inboxes. 

Have a wonderful week everyone!


Justice Buried by Patricia Bradley

After several weeks of finding little time to read, it was a pleasure to delve into my friend Patricia Bradley’s newest Memphis Cold Case novel, Justice Buried 

The heroine, Kelsey Allen is a unique security specialist and an art conservator and the story revolves around a murder and thefts at the Pink Palace Museum, which given all my research into art and antiquities for my Serena Jones Mysteries really sparked my interest. I can tell Pat did her research too! I especially enjoyed the details  about Kelsey’s rock climbing, since that was all new to me. 

Kelsey is a bit of a prickly character, but Patricia gives us plenty of insight as to why, which helps us to understand what drives her. I was ridiculously pleased to have deduced (or maybe guessed 😛 ) the culprit fairly early in the story. But I sure didn’t see the twist coming! It has a great surprise ending. 

Patricia also has a thriller coming out Oct 3rd as part of a “boxed” set with 9 other Christian thriller authors. 

And I’m gifting kindle copies to 3 randomly selected commenters (leave your comment here or on my Facebook post telling me what you like best in suspense). 

Selected recipients will be contacted Oct 3rd.

Run, Hide…Read! Giveaway

Romantic suspense, mystery, and thriller lovers, imagine curling up in a cozy chair on a rainy day this fall with 80 bestselling mainstream ebooks to choose from and a new Kindle Fire HD 8 to read them on. One lucky winner will get this prize package. Why not you?


The grand prize includes: ebooks by Janet Evanovich, Kendra Elliot, Melinda Leigh, Mary Burton, J.D. Robb, Gina Lamanna, and Loreth Anne White, and the list goes on and on, not to mention 30 page-turning reads donated by the talented authors sponsoring the giveaway (myself included).

Two runner-up prizes of $25 Amazon gift cards are also up for grabs. 

Enter here:

a Rafflecopter giveaway


This Giveaway is Sponsored by

Anne R. Tan • Astrid Arditi • Barbara Wallace • Cailin Briste • Cathy Perkins • Christine Kling • Colleen Mooney • Deborah Coonts • Deidra D. S. Green • Ellen Byron • Ja’Nese Dixon • Jacqueline Diamond • Josie Brown • Josie Litton • Leeann Betts • Lisa Lieberman • Lori L. Robinett • Nancy Segovia • Noelle Greene • Nupur Tustin • Rachel Brimble • RJ Beam • Sandra Orchard • Soraya Naomi • Stephanie Queen • Tamara Ferguson • Tamra Lassiter • Tawny Weber • Taylor Marsh • Tina Susedik • Uvi Poznansky • Vicki Batman

Click Here to: See the books they are contributing 

Giveaway Rules: 
One entry signs you up for each of the 32 sponsoring authors’ newsletters once the giveaway closes. You can unsubscribe at any time, but please don’t mark us as spam. Who knows, you may just find your new favorite author! You can also earn bonus entries by subscribing to the individual newsletters before the giveaway closes. However, all winners will be verified that they are subscribed to an author’s newsletter before prizes are awarded.

No purchase necessary. Void where prohibited.

Celebration Sale!

We’re celebrating the healthy birth of our newest grandchild with a month-long book sale! 

My publisher has slashed the E-book prices

in all formats on my

Serena Jones Mysteries

For those wishing to download Kobo or iBook versions, be aware that their prices haven’t yet changed, but they should soon! Click the image above to go to kindle versions. Click the book images in the side bar, for full descriptions. 

If you’ve finished the series…

Please join our chat (without spoiler worries) in our private Facebook group here:

Bonus Features

Did you know I post bonus features such as deleted scenes, character interviews and location pics for each of my novels? 

You can peruse the latest additions for Over Maya Dead Body, set on the beautiful Martha’s Vineyard here:  

And see why reviewers are saying: 


Chat Noir Mystery

It was such a treat to speak with Linda Kozar on her blog talk radio show about my newest Serena Jones Mystery—Over Maya Dead Body—amongst other things. 

She almost tripped me up with a few mystery questions at the end, but I managed to pull through. Whew!

Your Turn: Any questions you’d like to ask?