Skip the Meeting at Your Peril

This past Saturday, I had the pleasure of facilitating my So You Want to Be a Writer? workshop at a meeting of the Niagara Branch of the Canadian Authors Association. We plotted a murder mystery set at the meeting and can you guess who we opted to make the victim?

A local thriller author who failed to appear.

Ideas for potential suspects and their motives abounded. We’re talking as diverse as an Argentinian in search of the grandson of W.E.B. Griffin, world-renowned author of spy novels, to an anger-management-challenged attendee whose parking place the victim scooped.

Nothing like a good brainstorming session to get the creative juices going.

We opted to make a librarian, who sat in on the meeting, our sleuth. Her stereotypical quiet, studious nature brought a lot of strengths to the investigation. And her introvert nature and resulting low self-esteem allowed us to show her personal growth through solving the crime.

I’m so glad they didn’t pick me as the sleuth. I REALLY didn’t want them to speculate on the areas of my life that could use improvement!

Hopefully, many of the attendees will take up the challenge to write a short story based on our brainstorming session. If you’d like to read one I wrote after a similar session last spring at a volunteers retreat, subscribe to my newsletter and I’ll email you the link and password.  😉 (Membership has its privileges)

Join Me Today at:

International Christian Fiction Writers, where I’m talking about family food favourites, inspired by my character Serena’s British heritage (which also happens to be mine.)

And for an interview at Suzanne Woods Fisher’s Amish Wisdom Blog No, there are no Amish characters in my novels, but if you’re burning to know the answers to such questions as can you make a living from writing and what do you like least about writing, I will tell all (more or less). 😉  And…there’s a giveaway!

Have a blessed Easter Week!


Feeling Stressed?

Tell me about it! My characters are out of control.

FBI agent Serena Jones has taken on a life of her own and is appearing around the blogosphere.

Today she’s blabbing about me and about painting to relax and about I’m afraid to look what else. But if you want to, you can check it out here:

If colouring to relax is more your speed, here’s a blog I found where you can download adult colouring pages:

I’ve decided to colour the peacock. 🙂

I have to try something. My characters are stressing me out!

Later this week, Serena’s Aunt Martha gets into the act with an interview at Jaunty Quills. And when she talks, there’s no telling what she’ll say. I’ll share the link once it’s live on March 11th, if…I’m not too mad at her.  😉

In the meantime, have a great week. Happy colouring or painting or whatever you do to relax. If it’s reading, and you enjoy the thrill of entering giveaways, check out this book review blog: 

Google alerted me this morning to the reviewer’s giveaway of A Fool and His Monet. Kav is a voracious reader and posts a new review (often with giveaways) almost every day.


Let the Whirlwind Blog Tour Begin!

I’ll be flitting around the blogosphere a lot this month sharing tidbits about how I researched and wrote A Fool and His Monet. 

For those of you who are already deep into the story or <gasp> finished, don’t forget to vote for your favourite guy and check out the book’s bonus features.

Today – March 1st – 

I’m at Stitches Thru Time sharing through pictures how the story location and character evolved, and…hosting a giveaway of the winner’s choice of an oil or acrylic art kit to help her relax in the same fashion as my heroine, Serena Jones.  😉

Art Kit Giveaway Prize

Wednesday Mar 2nd – I’ll be at the More To Life Blog, chatting about listening to your mother, something my heroine finds herself wishing she’d done.

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Thurs Mar 4th – I’ll be interviewed at USA Today’s Happy Ever After Blog and they talked me into sharing a…shall we say dated never-before-seen photo.  😎

I’ll also be interviewed on Motherhood Talk Radio and will share the link once I have it.

Fri March 5th – I’m being interviewed at Suspense Sisters

A Fool and His Monet Releases TODAY in Ebook

Join me at Patricia Bradley’s blog and meet the men in Serena Jones’s life. I had soooo much fun writing this.


They and I are competing–game show style–in Are You Smarter Than Your Characters?

I’m not sure how I feel about creating characters who might actually be smarter than me.  😕

We’re also giving away fun stuff.

Hope to see you there!


On another note:


Goodreads members, there is still time to enter the 5-book giveaway here: 

3 Compelling Ways to Show Her You Love Her

Serena Jones, the heroine of my newest series, seems to attract male interest without effort, but she’s pretty much oblivious to it. So what’s a guy to do?

Valentine's Weather

Well…I’ve compiled a list for the men in her life, and readers of my blog, to help us all out.

See if you agree with them, then after you read A Fool and His Monet, you can see how the men in Serena’s life rank. And…

then pop over to this page to register your vote for your favourite man.

Because let’s face it, there are lots of people in our lives we can love, but how many of those relationships can we make last forever?

Heart Envelope

Okay, so here’s my test:


  • Does he respect her?


Respect her opinions, her choices, her values?


  • Does he protect her?


Both physically and emotionally. Does he run on the outside closest to traffic while out for a jog? See her to the door after an evening out? Guard his words to not crush her? Stand up for her against the harsh words of others, whether she is present or not? Take her side, not her mother’s, or worse, his mother’s?


  • Does he make sacrifices for her?


Give up a golf game or night with the guys so he can attend that event that is so important to her. Is she more important to him than his career? More important than his friends? More important than his family? More important than living where and how he’s always dreamed of living?

Your Turn: Any other questions we should add to the list?

Why Art Crime?

With only 3 weeks until A Fool and His Monet releases (2 weeks for the Ebook release), I thought it would be a great time to share with you some of the inspiration behind the Serena Jones Mysteries series, which tracks the exploits of art crime agent Serena Jones.

Art thieves aren’t as cultured and clever as shows like the Thomas Crown Affair and White Collar would have us believe. But when they succeed in making off with millions of dollars worth of fine art in a daring or brazen escapade, their thefts do make for sensational news stories.

Gardner Museum Courtyard 1
Central courtyard of the Gardner Museum during my visit last year

The arguably most famous is the 25+ year old, unsolved case of the Gardner Museum theft. In the wee hours of Mar 18th 1990 (while Boston’s St. Patrick’s Day celebrations were beginning to wind down), two thieves disguised as police officers entered the museum, tied up the guards and proceeded to steal 13 very different works of art. Considering the specific pieces stolen, some have speculated that it was a theft to order. Others, such as Robert K. Wittman, founder of the FBI’s art crime team, believe the men were merely incompetent. Art that hot is impossible to sell. The buyer could never display it.

Yet, the museum remains optimistic that the stolen art will yet be recovered. Until then the empty frames from which priceless paintings such as Rembrandt’s Christ in the Storm on the Sea of Galilee remain hanging on the walls as haunting reminders of the collective heritage stolen from all of us that night.

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To aid in their recovery, the museum is offering a $5 million reward for their recovery. Click the image above to link to their virtual tour of the theft and pieces stolen. Maybe you have a clue to where one of these pieces could be now and don’t even realize it!

As I began communicating with the FBI during my research for this series, one person suggested I write a mystery to solve this case. Maybe it would help the FBI solve it, she said.

Wouldn’t it make an intriguing story for a fiction writer to elicit the help of her readers in recovering priceless paintings and solving a 25+ year old crime?  😀

Your Turn: What do you think? Have any theories?

Always Watching by Lynette Eason

I’m super excited about my friend (and super popular romantic suspense author) Lynette Eason’s new series Elite Guardians.

Book 1, Always Watching, releases Feb 2nd, although it’s already available for digital download.

And…for Goodreads members in the US or Canada, you still have time to enter the Goodreads Giveaway for a chance to snag one of five copies. The giveaway ends Feb 2nd, so don’t delay!

The Elite Guardian series is about female bodyguards and their clients who can’t stay out of trouble.

Always Watching

In Always Watching, when it becomes clear that popular psychiatrist and radio personality Wade Savage has a stalker, his father secretly hires Elite Guardians to protect his son. But when Wade’s bodyguard is attacked and nearly killed, agency owner Olivia Edwards must step in and fill the gap.

Olivia’s skills are about to be tested to the limit as Wade’s stalker moves from leaving innocent gifts at his door to threatening those closest to him–including Olivia. But in her mind, even more dangerous than the threats to her life is the hold her handsome client has on her heart.

Colleen Coble, author of The Inn at Ocean’s Edge and the Hope Beach series says: “This is one of the best romantic suspense novels I’ve read in a long time. Highly recommended!”

1602 Lynette headshotLynette Eason is the bestselling author of the Women of Justice, the Deadly Reunions, and the Hidden Identity series. She is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers and Romance Writers of America. She lives in South Carolina. Learn more at

And a Goodreads Giveaway for…

A Fool and His Monet begins Mon. Feb 1st



5 Good Things About Getting Sick

I don’t know anyone who actually likes getting sick. Well, except as an excuse to miss skip school. But…there are other upsides. And I had a chance to think of a few this past week:

sick child

1) It gives you a guilt-free reason to ignore your to-do list.

2) It’s much easier to eat less. So…that’ll shrink that Christmas-goodies-stretched tummy a little. Which…with a little self-control post illness might help you lose a few extra pounds. Hey, I can dream.

3) It’s an opportunity to get more rest. Yeah, okay depending on the illness, more sleep may be wishful thinking, but all that laying down with your eyes closed has to add up against the sleep deficit somehow, right? Just don’t moan so loudly.

4) It gives your family a chance to demonstrate how much they love you.

5) It makes you better appreciate the days you’re healthy.

Hope you enjoy a healthy weekend and new week!

For those of you who can access the Hallmark Channel, tonight (Jan 23rd) at 9 pm EST, Unleashing Darcy will premiere. It’s based on a book by fellow LI author Teri Wilson, who of course based the story on Pride and Prejudice! I’ll be looking for it on youtube in a few days since we don’t have cable.  😉 You can check out the trailer here:

Image courtesy of David Castillo Dominici at

Would You Rather with Jessica R. Patch & Giveaway


I’m delighted to have author Jessica R. Patch and the hero and heroine from her debut Love Inspired Suspense, Fatal Reunion, with me today. I’ve had the privilege of being a guest on Jessica’s blog a few times, answering her “Would you rather” questions on behalf of myself and my characters, so I’m thrilled to now be able to turn the tables on her and ask the questions of her!

To orient us, here’s the back cover blurb for Fatal Reunion:


When her beloved grandmother is almost killed during a home invasion, Piper Kennedy isn’t surprised that she’s a suspect—especially since Luke Ransom is on the case. The handsome detective she once loved thinks she knows more than she’s telling about the attack. And given her crooked past and the heartbreaking way she’d been forced to betray Luke years ago, Piper understands why he doesn’t trust her. But when attempts are made on her life, Luke insists on keeping her safe and finding out who wants her dead. And Piper and Luke soon realize a remorseless criminal will do anything to keep them from the truth…or an unexpected second shot at a future.

Piper is such a cool name! And let me just add: I had the chance to read this book last week. Two things that made it particularly interesting for me were Piper’s unique occupation–she’s a karate expert and dojo owner, a skill that comes in handy a few times in the story  😉 –and Jessica managed to add twists I didn’t see coming, which is always a fun surprise!

Okay, on to my questions for Jess and her characters:

Would you rather have loved and lost or never have loved at all?

Luke: That’s tough because I have loved and lost. I guess loved and lost because I can’t imagine not ever loving Piper.

Piper: I’d say love and lost since I never really experienced romantic love before Luke. Just people who said they loved me but only wanted to manipulate me.

Jessica: Loved and lost. I think everyone needs to experience love. And heartbreak can be healed.

Agreed. 😉

Would you rather change the past or be able to see into the future?

Luke: Well, asking me that today I’m saying change the past so I could have done things differently concerning Piper. Had you asked me that before Piper came back into my life, I’d say see the future—I’d want to know if I was ever going to fall in love again. Not that I believe I ever could have.

Piper: Luke, you are so sweet, but I know you’re buttering me up for a puppy. Okay, now to answer the question. I don’t want to know the future. But there are so many things in my past I would love to have done differently. For one thing, not getting involved with Chaz Michaels and his crew.

Jessica: I’m with Piper. I don’t want to know the future, unless I can change something bad that might happen to one of my children. But I would like to change a few mistakes I’ve made.

Ooh, do tell… 😛 

Would you rather get stuck in a broken elevator or stuck on a broken ski lift?

Luke: Ski lift. I want to snuggle with my honey under a blanket….and with our puppy. wink wink

Piper: LOL! Elevator. With a puppy we’re only watching for one day. Then when you have no way to clean up the mess, you’re reminded of why I said I didn’t want pets. (Luke: You’re harsh.)

Jessica: Definitely an elevator because I hate the cold and heights. Although, if I happened to get stuck with Luke, Piper, and a puppy…scrunches nose

Hmm, I’m with Luke, although a squirming puppy up there could make it a tad dicey!

Here’s more about Jessica:

JessicaRPatchJessica R. Patch lives in the mid-south where she pens inspirational contemporary romance and romantic suspense novels. When she’s not hunched over her laptop or going on adventurous trips in the name of research with willing friends, you can find her watching way too much Netflix with her family and collecting recipes to amazing dishes she’ll probably never cook. Her novel, Fatal Reunion, releases with Love Inspired Suspense in January, 2016. She is represented by Rachel Kent of Books & Such Literary Management.


Get Patched In! Jessica’s newsletter subscribers get first looks at book covers and excerpts as well as receive notifications of new book releases and other cool news. Sign up at

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and Twitter!

Check out Jessica’s Pinterest story board where you can meet the cast of Fatal Reunion and peruse some of the scenes set in the book.

Your Turn: Answer one of the questions I posed to Jessica and her characters for a chance to win a copy of her book. (winner will be randomly drawn from comments  made before midnight EST Jan 9, 2016

Have a Blessed Christmas

Wishing you and yours a joyous, peaceful and blessed Christmas celebration with family and friends.


Today on the More to Life Magazine blog,

I’m sharing St. Nicholas traditions.

Port Aster Secrets by Sandra Orchard

And if you or a loved one gets an Ereader, tablet or iPad this Christmas, be sure to take advantage of the opportunity to download Deadly Devotion for FREE from online retailers. The offer and discounts on books 2&3 extend through January.