I am delighted to introduce you to author Patricia Bradley and her debut romantic suspense, Shadows of the Past.

I had the privilege of reading an advanced copy of this wonderful book for endorsement. Here’s what I thought:
“In Shadows of the Past, Patricia Bradley has created the perfect kind of mystery-novel-hero—emotionally wounded with a heart of gold. Add in a determined criminal-profiler heroine, an unknown stalker, and an eclectic collection of wonderfully developed secondary characters (aka suspects), and Bradley had me totally hooked. An outstanding first book in the Logan Point romantic suspense series. Looking forward to the next installment.”
Since I enjoyed Patricia’s characters so much, I invited her to drop by and interview one of them for us. But first some background on story:
Psychology professor and criminal profiler Taylor Martin prides herself on being able to solve any crime, except the one she wants most desperately to solve—the disappearance of her father twenty years ago. When she finally has a lead on his whereabouts, Taylor returns home to Logan Point, Mississippi, to investigate. But as she is stalking the truth about the past, someone is stalking her.
Nick Sinclair pens mystery novels for a living, but the biggest mystery to him is how he can ever get over the death of his wife—a tragedy he believes he could have prevented. With his estranged brother the only family he has left, Nick sets out to find him. But when he crosses paths with Taylor, all he seems to find is trouble.
Okay, take it away, Pat.
Thank you so much for hosting me on your blog, Sandra. I thought your readers might enjoy an interview with Taylor. This character literally popped into visit one morning during my quiet time and she told me someone one was stalking her.
Patricia: So, Taylor do you always startle people?
Taylor: Not on purpose, but I do seem to have that knack.
Patricia: What do you think of Nick Sinclair?
Taylor: Nick? At first he made me uncomfortable, the way he defended his brother. After all, I did accuse his brother of stalking me. But then I got to know him, and his loyalty to his brother touched my heart. I would have reacted the same way if someone accused my brother Chase of stalking.
Patricia: You seem so sure of yourself and your opinions. Are you always right?
Taylor: Usually. (she grins). Really? Not always, but enough that I’ll stick to my guns until I’m proven wrong.
Patricia: enough talk about guns. Valentine’s Day is coming up. What is your idea of a perfect date for that special day? And with whom?
Taylor: Hmmm. The last question is a no-brainer. Nick. He is one exciting man! Just thinking about him makes my heart beat faster. Not that I wanted to like him at first. Seems like when we first met, all we did was argue.
And for where? If it’s one of those rare warm days we sometimes get in Logan Point, Mississippi in February, a picnic would be sweet. But since that probably won’t happen, I think I’d like for Nick to take me out to eat at the Blues Espresso. We could listen to some really good jammin’, and he could play his harmonica.
Patricia: That sounds like a great Valentine’s date! Do you want to tell the readers if you and Nick have a future?
Taylor, smiling mysteriously. Nope. But the answer is in the book…
That was great! Thanks so much, Patricia and Taylor for joining us.
Blog Readers: I’m giving away a copy of Shadows of the Past. If you’d like your name thrown into the hat, please scroll to the bottom of this post and ask Patricia or Taylor a question about the story, or about herself, or her next book in the series…whatever you’re curious about. And click through the rafflecopter options for additional opportunities to enter, and…a chance to win an advanced copy of my next Love Inspired Suspense, Perilous Waters.
Winner will be drawn on Valentine’s Day!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Goodreads members can also enter a giveaway there which ends Feb 18th: https://www.goodreads.com/giveaway/show/78819-shadows-of-the-past-a-novel

Here’s a little more about Patricia to whet your curiosity. 😉
Patricia Bradley lives in North Mississippi and is a former abstinence educator and co-author of RISE To Your Dreams, an abstinence curriculum. But her heart is tuned to suspense. Patricia’s mini-mysteries have been published in Woman’s World, and her debut novel, Shadows of the Past, is the first of three set in Mississippi and will release February 4, 2014. She will present a workshop, Writing 50,000 words in 30 days, at the Midsouth Christian Writer’s Conference in Collierville, TN on March 8, 2014
Patricia’s Website: www.patriciabradleyauthor.com
Blog: http://mbtponderers.blogspot.com/
Twitter Handle: @PTBradley1
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