Interview with Heroine of Shadows of the Past by Patricia Bradley & Giveaway

I am delighted to introduce you to author Patricia Bradley and her debut romantic suspense, Shadows of the Past.


I had the privilege of reading an advanced copy of this wonderful book for endorsement. Here’s what I thought:

“In Shadows of the Past, Patricia Bradley has created the perfect kind of mystery-novel-hero—emotionally wounded with a heart of gold. Add in a determined criminal-profiler heroine, an unknown stalker, and an eclectic collection of wonderfully developed secondary characters (aka suspects), and Bradley had me totally hooked. An outstanding first book in the Logan Point romantic suspense series. Looking forward to the next installment.”

Since I enjoyed Patricia’s characters so much, I invited her to drop by and interview one of them for us. But first some background on story: 

Psychology professor and criminal profiler Taylor Martin prides herself on being able to solve any crime, except the one she wants most desperately to solve—the disappearance of her father twenty years ago. When she finally has a lead on his whereabouts, Taylor returns home to Logan Point, Mississippi, to investigate. But as she is stalking the truth about the past, someone is stalking her.

Nick Sinclair pens mystery novels for a living, but the biggest mystery to him is how he can ever get over the death of his wife—a tragedy he believes he could have prevented. With his estranged brother the only family he has left, Nick sets out to find him. But when he crosses paths with Taylor, all he seems to find is trouble.

Okay, take it away, Pat.

Thank you so much for hosting me on your blog, Sandra. I thought your readers might enjoy an interview with Taylor. This character literally popped into visit one morning during my quiet time and she told me someone one was stalking her.

Patricia: So, Taylor do you always startle people?

Taylor: Not on purpose, but I do seem to have that knack.

Patricia: What do you think of Nick Sinclair?

Taylor: Nick? At first he made me uncomfortable, the way he defended his brother. After all, I did accuse his brother of stalking me. But then I got to know him, and his loyalty to his brother touched my heart. I would have reacted the same way if someone accused my brother Chase of stalking.

Patricia: You seem so sure of yourself and your opinions. Are you always right?

Taylor: Usually. (she grins). Really? Not always, but enough that I’ll stick to my guns until I’m proven wrong.

Patricia: enough talk about guns. Valentine’s Day is coming up. What is your idea of a perfect date for that special day? And with whom?

Taylor: Hmmm. The last question is a no-brainer. Nick. He is one exciting man! Just thinking about him makes my heart beat faster. Not that I wanted to like him at first. Seems like when we first met, all we did was argue.

And for where? If it’s one of those rare warm days we sometimes get in Logan Point, Mississippi in February, a picnic would be sweet. But since that probably won’t happen, I think I’d like for Nick to take me out to eat at the Blues Espresso. We could listen to some really good jammin’, and he could play his harmonica.

Patricia: That sounds like a great Valentine’s date! Do you want to tell the readers if you and Nick have a future?

Taylor, smiling mysteriously. Nope. But the answer is in the book…

That was great! Thanks so much, Patricia and Taylor for joining us.

Blog Readers: I’m giving away a copy of Shadows of the Past. If you’d like your name thrown into the hat, please scroll to the bottom of this post and ask Patricia or Taylor a question about the story, or about herself, or her next book in the series…whatever you’re curious about. And click through the rafflecopter options for additional opportunities to enter, and…a chance to win an advanced copy of my next Love Inspired Suspense, Perilous Waters.

open+heartWinner will be drawn on Valentine’s Day!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Goodreads members can also enter a giveaway there which ends Feb 18th:


Patricia Bradley

Here’s a little more about Patricia to whet your curiosity. 😉

Patricia Bradley lives in North Mississippi and is a former abstinence educator and co-author of RISE To Your Dreams, an abstinence curriculum. But her heart is tuned to suspense. Patricia’s mini-mysteries have been published in Woman’s World, and her debut novel, Shadows of the Past, is the first of three set in Mississippi and will release February 4, 2014. She will present a workshop, Writing 50,000 words in 30 days, at the Midsouth Christian Writer’s Conference in Collierville, TN on March 8, 2014

Patricia’s Website:


Twitter Handle: @PTBradley1


The Cave and A Great Deal

Writing Cave

Here it is. The writing cave. I’ve locked myself in, determined to finish the first draft of the final book in my Port Aster Secrets series.

If you read the first installment of my herbal sleuth’s exploits, you’ll appreciate what a tremendously inspiring setting this particular cave can be. 😉

I’m only allowed out for food and water and occasional sleep. Oh…and abundant amounts of belly laughs to keep those creative juices flowing.



If you’d like to pick up the Epub version of Deadly Devotion for a great bargain price, or if you enjoyed the book and know friends who might, visit Christian Book on

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Time Management for Authors by Sharon C. Jenkins

I’m delighted to introduce you to Sharon C. Jenkins, author of a great new resource for authors, Authorpreneurship.

Authorprenuership-3-d-coverI’ve invited Sharon to discuss one of the biggest challenges to authors–

Time Management

An Authorpreneur is a sole proprietor of sorts. You are a one person “mean writing machine” with best-seller stars in your eyes and a pen in your hand. In other words, you are your own boss and your only employee. As a writer, that may mean holding yourself accountable to meet deadlines and honor a mandatory self-imposed daily word count in order to finish your manuscript on time.

Unfortunately, there is a common flaw that seems inherent to those skilled with ink and pen. Procrastination. For some writers, this tendency is due to the business of living. Deadlines take a backseat to everything else. In addition, there are other tasks required of you as an Authorpreneur that must get done in conjunction with writing. So how can you successfully navigate life and work? Let’s take an honest look at some tips that you can incorporate into your life to “git er done” (a common Texas slang for getting the job accomplished).

Writing is your job. Be it full-time or part-time; make it the #1 priority for that season of your life. You would not tell your boss that you couldn’t finish your presentation for an important client because you had to watch your favorite television show. Get rid of the clutter in your life– and that includes habits or routines that hinder your progress to honor your commitment and “git er done.”

Evaluate your time management skills by taking the Writers Time Management Test, and set a baseline for your “git er done” improvement plan. You can improve what you can measure.

 Writers Time Management Test

Directions: Circle each statement in Part One and Part Two of the time management test that is currently a time management habit. Give yourself 2 points for each of the following habits that you have.

Part One: How Well Do I “Git er Done”?

1. I make a “TO DO” list every day, prioritizing the most important things at the top of that list and carrying over those things that did not get done to the next day’s list.

2. I have a daily calendar that I use to keep track of my scheduled activities and writing deadlines.

3. I have a weekly calendar that I use to keep track of my scheduled activities and writing deadlines.

4. I have a monthly calendar that I use to keep track of my scheduled activities and writing deadlines.

5. When I hit “overwhelm,” I take a break from my work area and come back refreshed and invigorated.

6. I schedule my availability to answer telephone calls or respond to e-mails around my writing schedule so that I can have uninterrupted quality writing time.

7. I use the electronic time management tools that are available to me on my cell phone and or computer.

8. I use sticky notes to remind me of what must be accomplished daily.

9. I am not afraid to delegate tasks to others.

10. I boldly seek out the resources that I need and make time for the necessary research in order to lend credibility to my work.

11. I have identified my best working atmosphere and have taken steps to create that sanctuary so that there are no hindrances in my writing environment.

12. I know where the calculator, calendar, and word count function are on my computer so that I can do my work faster.

13. I have identified when I am most alert and I schedule my time to write accordingly.

14. I use the sandwich principle. I schedule the tasks I don’t like to do between the tasks that I do like, so that I am inspired to work faster to get to the tasks I enjoy.

15. I have a budget to manage my money.

16. I am in good health.

17. I get enough rest, exercise, and eat healthy foods.

18. I constantly review my short and long term goals to make sure I’m on track to best seller status.

19. I keep God, family and friends as a priority in this process, not forgetting their importance in my life and striving for balance by not making unwise sacrifices to “git er done.”

20. I realize that “stuff happens” and I am flexible enough in my plan that I can make the necessary adjustments when it does.

 TOTAL POINTS, PART ONE: _______________

 Part Two: What Prohibits Me From “Gittin er done?”

1. I am so fascinated with social media that I would rather spend my time on Facebook, Pinterest, LinkedIn, or Instagram.

2. I have over 5,000 unread emails that I’m waiting until my next vacation to read them all because I am afraid I might miss something.

3. As a generalist, I master of a lot of things. But I like it that way, because I can write about anything and I spend a lot of time doing research so that when I get ready to write my book, I can write a book that can reach everybody.

4. I use my “wait” time while at the doctor’s office and other places to wait for something to happen. After all, a little relaxation has never hurt anyone. Some people call it laziness; I call it conserving my energy for the next BIG opportunity.

5. I am a perfectionist and everything must be perfect before I can move forward on a project.

6. I have too many responsibilities that prohibit me from committing to anything for any length of time.

7. Everyone needs me on his or her team. I’m so critical to their mission that their organization would come to a complete stop if I didn’t volunteer. You’ve heard of the 20/80 rule; 20% of the people do 80% of the work. I’m part of the 20%.

8. I must keep my mobile phone close to me at all times because people are always trying to contact me. I might miss an important text, news item, Facebook post, or call. I check it every ten minutes, I feel lost without it.

9. Before I can write, I need some kind of inspiration. I often sit for hours waiting for my muse to visit me.

10. I enjoy writing so much, I write about everything and everywhere. I’ve got 50 boxes of stuff I wrote packed away in my garage. One day, I’m going to put it all into a book. Everybody tells me I should write one. I’m already halfway there; I just need to organize my garage to find everything.

11. I usually don’t wake up until noon. I’m a night person and I party or watch TV until the wee hours of the morning. I need my social time, it’s a priority in my life.

12. My work schedule is so overwhelming, I don’t have time to do much else, much less plan my day or prioritize my tasks.

13. I just can’t multitask. I can only do one thing at a time.

14. Yes, I am a couch potato and proud of it. I need to watch TV to unwind from my day when I come home from work. It keeps me sane and my spouse happy.

15. I am a habitual worrier, it takes up a lot of my time and causes me to have many restless nights, but I just can’t help it.

16. Being organized is not one of my strong suits. I can never find anything. But nobody’s perfect.

17. I keep everything in my head. I don’t need a calendar.

18. I take a break every chance I get, especially since they aren’t paying me what I’m worth.

19. I often take personal calls at work and I have frequent visitors. It helps my day go by faster.

20. My schedule is so chaotic. I can never seem to get it together, no matter how hard I try. I’m always double-booked and late for appointments and deadlines. I think I need a virtual assistant.

TOTAL POINTS, PART TWO: ________________

FINAL SCORE: Subtract Part Two from Part One

Part One Points: _________

Part Two Points: _________

TOTAL: _________ 

What your final score means:

If you score between 30 and 40, you are excellent at managing your time. Feel free to write a book on Time Management.

If you score between 19 and 29, your time management skills are average. Periodically study the suggestions in Part One to either improve or maintain your time management skills.

If you score below 18, you really need to concentrate on improving your time management skills. The best way to fight procrastination is to maximize your ability to manage the time that is allotted to a task. This may take some practice on your part, but it will be well worth the effort. Remember, consistency is key; do something for 21 days and it becomes a habit.

Sandra back again. How’d you do? Be honest. 😆

Sharon_C_JenkinsMore About Sharon:

Sharon C. Jenkins is a literary project manager, author, motivational speaker and visionary who serves as the Inspirational Principal for The Master Communicator’s Writing Services.  Formerly the managing editor of four electronic and print journals (business, community, health and wellness, faith-based) for one of the largest African American marketing and communications companies in Houston, she has also written articles in various national and local publications.

Jenkins is also the best-selling Amazon author of Beyond the Closet Door and has co-authored two other books, Songs of Three Sisters and Ready, Set, Succeed: Making Your Dream Come True.

Known as the Master Communicator, because she is proficient in communicating in multiple forms of media: radio, newspapers, magazines, and spoken word, her prevailing mission is to equip authors to live their literary dreams without emptying their bank accounts. She started this undertaking four years ago with the Desire to Inspire Workshops, which progressed to the 2010 – 2013 Authors Networking Summit, which were hosted in Houston and Detroit. Sharon can be found at:

Ah…Young Love

This past Friday I received the awesome news that my November Love Inspired Suspense, the yet-to-be-named firefighter story that we’ve talked about here before, looks good and will go straight to line edits. I only had to tweak a couple of things.

And as I read through the epilogue, I came to this line:

“Jake hoped he never stopped getting that fluttery feeling in his stomach every time he turned on his street since asking Kara to marry him.” 

Do you know the fluttery feeling I’m talking about? Do you still get it when you think about the one you love?


My hubby has this way of smiling sometimes that gets me every time.

Anyway, for some reason reading that line got me thinking about our relationship with God.

I remember how eagerly, as a new believer, I devoured the Bible and every study book I could get my hands on. Just like the getting-to-know-you time of a new relationship. Then after a time the shine of the newness wears off a little. Doesn’t it?

Yet, when you persevere, you truly experience the truth and depth of meaning of Lamentations 3:22-23:

The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.

Now, my hubby happened to be away on business this past weekend, and although I honestly admit that after 26 1/2 years of marriage, I don’t experience that fluttery “new love” feeling every time he comes home, I sure did when he came home after being away…and driving back in a blizzard!

But while the fluttery feeling is fun, it’s the abiding love, the deep-seated knowing that this man, who’s seen me at my best and at my worst, is here for me no matter what.

Just like God is.


How to Add a Whole New Twist to your Creative Writing

Some authors LOVE dictation software and couldn’t produce a novel without it. Since twelve hour writing marathons can play havoc on my body, I wish I was one of them!

Why can't it understand me?!
Why can’t it understand me?!

But my—albeit limited—experience has been that dictation software adds a whole new meaning to the “Creative” in “Creative Writing.”

Still…I was determined to try again when I heard that Mac’s new operating system—Mavericks—comes with a dictation software that is arguably better than Dragon’s Naturally Speaking for Mac, and best of all its free!

Now, I know the software is supposed to get smarter the longer you use it. But Mac’s version doesn’t appear (that I could figure out) to allow you to add words to its dictionary, so as soon as I started speaking my characters’ names, what it spit out got really interesting.

“Brian and David and Martha and Patti and Velma and Mary” came out:

Ron I am at David and aren’t fat and the and tell mom her and Mary

Obviously this is intelligent software and KNOWS I didn’t talk in a complete sentence so it tried to make it one!

I tried to use a command like “list” but it just typed “list”. So…

I thought to myself, I will try to teach it. I dictated a sentence and corrected its minimal errors, then I dictated the same sentence again, and again.

But it was as if the software started thinking this person cannot be an idiot [which as I dictated this paragraph, it typed “in yada” for “idiot”] and wanted me to type the same sentence twice. She must mean something else.

So as I dictated the same sentence a second time, it was typing it out correctly then all of a sudden, it started back spacing! As I’m talking!! And retyped something totally different!!!

Here it is for your amusement:

Original Sentence: Lisa and Melvin are getting married tomorrow.

  Computer Attempt #1: A second out and will wait tomorrow.

     Attempt #2: Are they set now thing will do tomorrow.

         Attempt #3: Lisa and now thing will wear it tomorrow.

 Puts a whole new spin on creative writing don’t you think?

Back to Work!

Wow, can you believe it’s already another year?!

Do you have any special plans for 2014?

At the moment, I’m hunkering down in my writing cave to finish the third book in my Port Aster Secrets series. And the blustery weather we’re having is a perfect compliment…as long as we don’t lose electricity. 😕

Our internet service has been spotty for weeks due to a hardware problem on a 300 foot tower that no one wants to climb in -30 windchill temps. So…if I seem kind of scarce online, that’s probably why.

But today, I’m excited to be posting at the International Christian Fiction Writers blog, talking about “Precious Gifts” and sharing pictures.  🙂

Tomorrow, I’ll be at the Craftie Ladies of Love Inspired Romance blog talking about finding that perfect someone…sort of. 😉

In the meantime, if you’ve never visited the Craftie blog, check out the serial romance we’re doing on Thursdays and Fridays between now and Valentine’s. A different author picks up the story with each new installment. It starts here: Her Secret Valentine part 1

Oh, oh, oh, and did you see the new pic in my sidebar? Got the cover art for my April release, Perilous Waters. What do you think?

Have a great week!

Wishing You a Blessed Christmas Celebration


I snapped the above photo during a candlelight stroll through Niagara-on-the-Lake this past weekend–a beautiful reminder of the most precious gift we can ever receive.

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.” John 3:16-17

May His light shine through you this holiday season.

I’m taking a blogging holiday for the rest of December but hope to “see” you here again in the New Year. Or on Facebook (posts in the sidebar of blog) before then. 😉 

All the best!

Introducing new Love Inspired Suspense Author ~ Maggie K. Black

pic of author Maggie K. BlackI’m delighted to introduce you to Maggie K. Black, another Canadian author new to Love Inspired. Although I’ve never met Maggie, she actually lives only a couple of hours away from me! And we hope to change that not-meeting part very soon. 😉

Here’s what I’ve learned about her so far…

Tell us a little about yourself:

I moved around a lot when I was growing up. There was a lot of instability, and not a lot of access to good books. So I started trying to write my own. When I was in my late teens I decided to go into journalism, because I love meeting new people and telling stories. I’m really thankful for 15+ years I spent as a journalist, because of the people I got to know and the places I got to go. It gave me a lot to write about. I’ve always known in my gut that my deepest dream was to write novels, but it wasn’t until my daughters were born, that I finally took the time to really do it.

Tell us about your latest book. What inspired you to write this particular book?:

Book Jacker of Killer AssignmentKiller Assignment is about a journalist named Katie who is being pursued by ruthless kidnappers. Our hero is a war-zone engineer who’s running from his own past.

The whole concept actually started as a bit of a dare from my former coworker Paul. My writing work has taken me all over the world, and at the time I was with for a technical charity that works in the Middle East and Africa. Some of the engineers were sitting around talking about their most dangerous moments—kidnappings, robberies, stuff like that. (Truth be told, I probably put them up to it). One of them dared me to write a romance book where the hero was a dashing engineer who’d gone through all these things. … and wouldn’t you know, the idea stuck with me, so I did.

That’s where Mark comes from. Katie is based more on me, and on the struggles I’ve had feeling trapped in a situation which wasn’t quite right for me.

Her name comes from Taming of the Shrew actually, because while I deeply love Shakespeare I have always hated how that particular play strips the heroine of her strength and voice when she finds love. I’ve always been determined to create women who find love, healing, security and faith without ever losing their strength and determination. One of my favorite things about Killer Assignment is where we know Katie is headed at the end of the book. I’ve gotten more comments on that than on anything else in the book.

What are you working on right now?:

I’m very excited to announce my next book—DEADLINE—will be out in the summer of 2014 from Harlequin’s Love Inspired Suspense. Our journalist is a disgraced journalist who’s in a race against time to expose a ruthless serial killer. Our heroine is the killer’s intended target. But she’s carrying secrets of her own, and was warned by police not to trust her life to the handsome, daredevil reporter. It’s set on Manitoulin Island.

How do you get to know your characters?:

I actually assign each of my characters a theme song, which, for me, sums up how they’re feeling. Then I listen to that song when I’m trying to get into the character’s head.

Oh, wow, that’s cool. I just started doing that with the last book I wrote. Could you share an example?

For Mark that song is actually Africa by Toto.

“Gonna take a lot to drag me away from you.
There’s nothing that a hundred men or more could ever do.”

Mark is willing to battle an entire army to protect Katie if that’s what it takes. In Killer Assignment the threat keeps escalating, until they’re alone against an entire group of armed kidnappers. In that moment Mark makes the one call he’d sworn to himself he’d never make, because it’s the only way he can think of to save Katie’s life.

That’s a pivotal moment in his story.

Do you put yourself into your main character, or do you find yourself borrowing from family or friends as your characters develop?

Usually each character I write is based on a handful of real people I know, including parts of myself. And I tend to know the characters so much better than ever appears in the book. I could write a whole book just on Ethan for example—I know him that well. Celia and Sunny as well.

(Oh, and while “Katie” came from Shakespeare, and both “Armor” and “Shield” came from the sense of closing yourself off from others for your own protection—“Randall” comes from the purple monster in Monsters Inc!)

Is there any scene in your book that came from a real-life happening?

The attempted kidnapping Katie survives at the beginning of the book is based on something terrifying that happened to me as a teenager.

For me, writing is one of the tools I’ve used to transform terrible memories into something awesome and life-giving. One of the things I particularly wanted to touch on in Deadline is how we can be held back from living the life God wants for us by traumatic things in our past, and how to get the help we need to move though them.


That is an awesome testimony to how you’ve done that yourself, Maggie.

What are your favorite themes to write about?

I am passionate about people figuring out who they were meant to be, and learning how to love and accept themselves. There’s nothing I love more than writing about people learning who God has designed them to be, and the absolute joy which can come from that. At the end of Killer Assignment, Mark and Katie haven’t just found love, they’ve find a new purpose and calling for their lives. That excites me.

Does your faith affect your writing? How?

Faith affects my whole life, and in turn my life affects my writing.

When I first started I was really held back by always questioning what God wanted me to write, as if God was on the loudspeaker and I was just the secretary taking down dictation.

More recently I’ve come to realize that God designed me to be a person who writes, and that when I write I am pouring myself into doing what I was made to do.

I now think of God more like a parent who hands us this amazing craft and paint box full of talents and gifts, and then actually has faith in us as we learn how to use them to create amazing things.

Do you have a favorite scripture? If so, why is it your favorite?

When I was writing Killer Assignment I had Psalm 139 running through my head—especially the line “Oh Lord, you have searched me and you know me.” Today, the passage on my mind is from Matthew 12 and also Isaiah 42. In The Message, referring to Jesus, it says, “He won’t brush aside the bruised and the hurt and he won’t disregard the small and insignificant, but he’ll steadily and firmly set things right.” I love that aspect of God.

Could you share something about your day-to-day life that might help a reader to feel as though they know you a little better.

I have two amazing daughters, who are both in elementary school. Every morning, after I walk them to school, I walk my dog through the park to this little creek which runs behind my house. I try to pause on the bridge long enough to still all the nagging, negative voices in my head, and focus my heart on who I am, and who God has called me to be. Then I go home and plug into writing until it’s time to pick the girls up and be a mom again. At night, I usually try to go to Curves or Zumba right before bed. There’s something about dancing badly but happily with a group of other ladies at the end of the day which really energizes me!

Where can fans find you or your books on the internet?

I just got a new blog up at, and I’m on Facebook at

Readers can find Killer Assignment at Amazon and elsewhere. 

Your Turn: Has anything happened in your life that would make a great story?

My newsletter with this year’s Christmas romance mini-novella went out to subscribers yesterday. The link didn’t work so I sent a second email with one that did, and…I’ve since fixed the other so that both should work now. I’m sorry for any frustration that caused! If you’ve subscribed and don’t see the email in your inbox, please check your spam folder. And it’s not too late to receive the story. Click here to subscribe

Meet New Love Inspired Author Patricia Johns


This year the Love Inspired has welcomed two new Canadian authors to our family.

Both had releases this past summer, which I missed, because I was eyeball deep in meeting deadlines, and enjoying my new grandbaby. (Have you noticed that I mention him every chance I get? 😉 )

So with apologies for my tardiness, I’m delighted to introduce you to the first, Patricia Johns, who hails from Northern Alberta, where some of those rumors that we live in igloos might just originate! 

Patricia_JohnsWhile Patty is new to Love Inspired, she is not new to publishing. In fact she already has 13 books out, in various genres, with small presses under her maiden name Patty Froese.

And no, Johns is not her married name. Her married name is Patty Nithemuka, but since that’s unpronounceable, she chose the pen name of Patricia Johns, because her hubby’s first name is John.

Her debut Love Inspired contemporary, HIS UNEXPECTED FAMILY, released in July 2013.

I invited her to answer a few questions so we could get to know her better…


First, tell us a little about yourself.

As you said, I’m a Canadian living in Alberta, Canada. And yes, the winters are long and cold, but that suits me just fine since I write full time and can stay on the right side of the window. Not all of Canada is as cold as our neck of woods, for the record. I’ve been writing seriously since I graduated from my BA in English Literature. I horrified my parents by quitting my sensible full-time job and taking a part time gig that paid just enough to rent a small room and eat on the cheap. It paid off, because I wrote my first published novel in that little, leaky room, and never looked back.

I’ve written in other genres from Ancient Christian historical to kids books, but Harlequin has always been my goal. I’m thrilled to have my first romance out!

Tell us how you got The Call.

I got The Call on my birthday. I was getting over a nasty flu, so I sounded miserable, but I was over the moon to be offered a contract! My little boy was tugging on me for attention, my fever was soaring, and I was perfectly thrilled.

What’s the single biggest thing in your writing life you can point to as contributing to getting The Call?

I learned early on to keep trying and trying, and if I hadn’t stuck to it, editing and re-editing, even completely rewriting the story, I wouldn’t have finally gotten that contract. It all comes down to being willing to do whatever it takes.

So true. What do you know now that you wish you knew when you started on your writing journey?

It’s actually a matter of what I’m glad I didn’t know back then. I’m glad I didn’t know exactly how much work it would be to get here, because I might have just crumpled in despair. It was worth it, though. I love the novel writing process, so it’s been a lot of fun along the way.

Anything else you’d like to share?

I’d love to connect on Facebook. Come by and find me at You can also find me on my blog at

What are you working on now? Is there another LI book on the horizon?

There IS another book on the horizon. I’ve been offered a contract for a cowboy romance with Love Inspired. (I don’t know a release date yet.) Come by my blog to stay posted! As for what I’m working on now… more Love Inspired novel ideas, of course!

That’s awesome! Congratulations, Patricia. And thank you for being today’s guest.

Blog readers, as Love Inspired fans know, the books go out of print very quickly and then are only available used or as Ebooks. Thankfully, despite my tardiness in inviting Patricia to my blog, His Unexpected Family is still available in paperback from online retailers.

Here’s the back cover blurb to whet your appetite: 😉

When a baby is dropped into her life without warning, Emily Shaw is overjoyed. It’s a bit odd that her distant cousin named single Emily as guardian, but she’s thrilled all the same. She never thought she’d get to be a mom. Another unexpected blessing is that baby Cora arrives in the arms of police chief Greg Taylor. Despite all three of them instantly bonding, Greg has promised himself he’ll never be a father. And now Emily’s smooth-talking relative is challenging her right to raise Cora. Will Emily have to make an impossible decision between the child she already loves and the man who loves her?

I hope all of you have a fabulous week. I’m looking forward to my daughter returning this weekend after 3 months in Australia!

Oh, oh, oh and…  winnercelebrate

There’s still a couple of days left to enter my international giveaway for a bunch of different books, including advanced copies and the option to gift your prize to a friend. Click here:  ENTER GIVEAWAY

Your Turn: Any questions for Patty?

P.S. Just in case you missed my FB announcements or notices around the blogosphere this past week… next Sunday, I will be emailing all my newsletter subscribers an exclusive Christmas romance mini-novella. If you’d like to receive it, please subscribe by clicking here: