Love Inspired Authors at ACFW

For those of you who read Love Inspired books, I thought it’d be fun to share some photos of LI authors. 

How many you can name? 
You get one point for each author you’re the first to name correctly…yes, there’s a prize. 😀
Skip the guys, ’cause we’re all gals.

Romance writers #1 and #2 with their real-life hero husbands
 Hint: Couple #2 are newlyweds
Hint: writer #3 is a Golden Heart winner and Rita finalist
Left to Right are Writers #4 to 8
Hint: #7 is a newly-contracted author and Genesis finalist
Writers #9 and 10 
 Hint: #9 writes for LIS; #10 writes for LIH
Writer #11 is known for her sense of humor
Writer #12 walked away with a Carol Award
Writer #13 loves to tease
Writer #14 and 15
 writer #15 is a newly contracted historical author
Writers #16-17
Writers #18-22

Bonus Points if you can name Editors #1 and 2
Have fun! 
I admit I’ll have to bring in a couple of LI experts to help me out with judging because there are a few authors I’m not sure I know either! 
So double points to anyone who gets those right.

ACFW Conference Highlights!!!

St. Louis’ famous arch–the gateway to the West

As always the 2011 ACFW conference was a wonderful celebration of the best in Christian fiction and a blessed opportunity to fellowship with, and encourage fellow authors and soon-to-be authors. The highlight of the weekend is the Awards Gala, and this year, many watched it streamed live.

Today, I’ll share some photos and stories and then Wednesday, I’ll focus specifically on Love Inspired authors and have a little name the LI authors contest.

The conference was an extra-special celebration for author Erica Vetsch who learned her book A Log Cabin Christmas Collection made the New York Times best sellers list!!!

Beloved author Tracie Peterson, pictured here with her editor Sarah Long was our keynote speaker, and winner of the Lifetime Achievement Award. Just before coming to the conference Tracie was diagnosed with MS. Your prayers for her health would be greatly appreciated.

Like at the Emmys, there are always a few attenders whose outfits steal the show. Jeff Gerke, of Marcher Lord Press, publisher of speculate Christian fiction was a hit in his historical costume. There were a number of female authors also arrayed in lovely gowns reminiscent of the heroine’s attire in their historical novels.

And what would an ACFW gala be without agent Chip MacGregor sporting his kilt.

Then there were some like Randy Ingermanson who apparently couldn’t behave himself, even while wearing a top hat and tails, after Terri Blackstock took home the Carol Award for Predator. I had the pleasure of sharing breakfast with Randy (otherwise known as The Snowflake Guy, or as I like to call him, Flakey) and he really is a nice guy…despite appearances to the contrary!

  For those who read my Friday blog…I never lived down my moniker as “the one who forgot her roommate”. But as you can see, my roomie, Elaine Stock, forgave me. The books we’re holding are the door prize I won as “the person who forgot something really important”. They weren’t sure they should give it to me, considering what I forgot. But after I assured Brandilynn that I’d share them with Elaine, Brandilynn relented.

Brandilynn Collins also perpetuated my infamy by calling me up to the stage after breakfast the next morning. My table burst into fits of laughter when I exclaimed, “What’d I do now?” But Brandilynn just wanted to apologize for roasting me. I assured her that I was playing it up as a publicity stunt for my new release and handed her a bookmark. 😀

This is Bonnie Calhoun, editor of the popular Christian Fiction Online Magazine and fellow author at Hartline Literary Agency. She won the Mentor of the Year Award.

I was very happy for Bonnie, but Margaret Daley remains my mentor of the year as she’s been a wonderful encourager to me and offered invaluable help with the special needs character in my book Deep Cover.

Another of my mentors, Susan May Warren, received a Carol Award for her long Historical Sons of Thunder…which brings to mind another interesting story. You’ll notice in the background of this picture, as well as in Chip’s, there are scenes. The scenes changed to depict the story lines of each winner’s novel. Music related to the title also played as the winner made his or her way to the podium. Susie thought the sound she was hearing was ocean waves and said so aloud, only to be answered with a crash of thunder. It wasn’t until another couple of awards were handed out that she realized why “thunder” crashed during her walk to the front. 😀

Thanks for vicariously sharing the conference with me. I’m posting a few more pics on my Facebook Page. Please come back Wednesday when I share some pictures and stories of favorite Love Inspired authors and… their real life heroes.

Your turn: If you watched the live feed of the Gala, what was your favorite part? If you attended, what’s your favorite memory? If this is all new to you, do you have any questions?

If you’d like to see the list of winners of this year’s Carol Awards, click here and scroll down. They’re listed at the bottom of the center column.


A late good morning to everyone! I’m still recovering from yesterday’s trip home from the ACFW conference in St. Louis and hope to post more pictures and fun stories a little later today.

American Christian Fiction Writers Conference – ACFW

 I’ve been having so much fun meeting old friends and making new ones that I’m afraid I haven’t taken many photos. Internet access is also difficult, but here are a few that I’ve managed to download. Later, I want to add a cool photo I took of The Arch emerging from the fog behind the state building. Tracie Peterson gave the opening address yesterday…very entertaining. Hopefully, later I’ll get a close-up picture. I’ve gained notoriety for locking my roommate out (long story), but Brandilynn Collins had fun roasting me from the platform. Now, just about everyone knows my name!! And my books in the conference bookstore have sold out!!!

View from the hotel window. It has 18 floors–massive.

I met Ashley online a few months ago and we’ve had a wonderful time getting to know each other in person.

If you visit my FB page, you’ve seen this pic of Patty Smith Hall , Ruth Logan Herne, and new Love Inspired Historical  author Sherri Shackelford admiring my grand daughter’s photo. 😀

with Jessica Nelson whose Love Inspired Historical debuts in October

Kelly Ann Riley (LIS) Merrilee Whren (LI) Myself and my critique partner Vicki Talley McCollum sharing a quiet lunch between the early bird session Thursday and opening worship time

On the Road…

I’m on my way to the American Christian Fiction Writers’ Conference (ACFW), after a stressful day yesterday rebooking a flight that Air Canada cancelled in a pre-emptive measure in case their flight attendants went on strike…which they didn’t!!!

I’m convinced God has a reason for that turn of events, but I hope it wasn’t to improve my patience, or I failed miserably. Eileen suggested it’s so I can write a stressed-out scene with more realism!

I’m just grateful to have a flight…

Hopefully, I’ll be able to post a few pics over the course of the conference, and fun tidbits, if not here than on my Facebook page. The link is on the sidebar if you’d like to check in. My newest pic is of my infant grand daughter at Saturday’s book signing. She thought the bookmarks were quite tasty. 😀

Join me…

at Margie Lawson’s Alumni Blog today where she’ll be dissecting samples of Deep Cover using her deep editing methods and talking about (I hope!) how I empowered my character’s emotions using the methods she teaches.

Jessica Nelson also has a profile of the book up on her blog called Booking It. Thanks Jessica!

And Susan Sleeman of Suspense Zone wrote a review. Yee! This is a cool site for lovers of Suspense.

And…I missed announcing an interview of my HERO this past Sunday. I’m so ashamed. Poor Rick. You’ll find it here: 


For the past week, my editor and I have been mulling over title ideas for the third book in my undercover cops series. 

Killer Bunnies
We all know that titles are meant to hook readers into picking up the book. Some titles shock, others offer an intriguing play on words, some tug at our heart strings. What many readers don’t realize is that oftentimes, an author’s suggested or preferred title is not what goes on their book.

A lot of factors play into this. The publisher may have already published a book with that title—a common issue with Love Inspired since they publish so many books. Or there may be another title slotted for the same month with a word in the title common to the second author’s choice. Or perhaps, too many recent releases have already shared the word in common.

Her Only Protector
In addition to those factors, my publisher wants the title to convey what the story is about. So for example, my original title for Deep Cover was Shades of Gray. I liked this on a couple of levels, because the hero’s last name was Gray and he’s an undercover cop living different lives (shades of his life). He also must tell half truths and lies of omission to do his job—more shades of gray. And ultimately, he learns that while he may have to lie to do his job, there is no room for shades of gray in his heart. 

The problem with the title is that it didn’t convey what the story was about. 

Since no requests for new title suggestions were made for my third book at the time of contracting, I thought yay! I get to keep this title, too. The book is about an undercover cop who poses as an IT consultant in a hospital to determine if a string of mysterious deaths were murders, as an outspoken nurse insists–a nurse who soon finds herself a target.

I called it Dose of Deception, thinking that “dose” hints at the medical setting, and that “deception” hints at the role of the undercover cop and the villain. But alas…last week, I was asked to suggest alternatives.

With suspense on my mind, I proposed titles that included words like: killer, murder, lethal, mystery etc. To my surprise, I learned that books with those words in the titles don’t sell as well for Love Inspired Suspense. It made sense, once I thought about it. Readers are looking for “romantic” suspense.

Lone Defender
I, too, tend to gravitate to the titles that have words like protector or guardian or hero in them. The problem is the line has already used almost every possible combination of great hero descriptors like that. So I’m stumped…

Your turn: What key words in a “romantic suspense” title grab your attention?

The Real Story…

Thank you to everyone who hazarded a guess yesterday as to why my daughter was duct taped to a chair. I loved your creativity! I decided to share the answer here, but if you’d like to read the rest of the post on Five Ways to Improve Your Characterization, you can check it out at Jaunty Quills

The real story…the other night my daughter and son were sitting in the room below my office when my teenage daughter started squealing about how thrilled she is with the characters in the novel she’s writing. The next thing I know, she’s calling for help.

Preoccupied with my own writing, I called down, “Can’t your brother help you?”

More cries rose from the floor below. Muffled this time. Something like, “He did it.”

None to happy about being interrupted, I tromp downstairs, to find out what’s going on. Imagine my glee when I find my daughter duct-taped to her desk chair!

“Wait, don’t move,” I exclaimed, and ran back upstairs for my camera. You see, the heroine in the book I’m working on gets duct-taped by the villain to a chair. I’m seeing … research opportunity!!
I want to know how her muscles feel straining against the tape; the yow of ripped hair when its tugged off; the sensation of the scream building in her throat; the taste of panic when she realizes she can’t get herself free. And just how loud can she shout with a piece of duct tape on her mouth?

Our dear pup even decided to get in on the action and play the hero, doing the courtesy of ripping her free!

By this time, my daughter is getting right into the “research”, and my son is rolling his eyes, no doubt thinking that instead of quieting his nutty sister, he’d created two monsters!

Fun Friday – Getting into Character?

Let me start by assuring you that I DID NOT duct tape my daughter to the chair. Honest! 

And isn’t Bella a true hero–um, heroine–to try to free her? 

Before I tell you what’s going on at the whacky author’s house, I want to give all of you a chance to guess. Let’s have some creative fun. 

Your turn: What do you think is going on? 

Then…join me tomorrow at Jaunty Quills where the answer will be revealed, and one lucky commenter will receive a signed copy of Deep Cover. 

Also until Sunday, at Margaret Daley’s blog, tell me what undercover cop assignment you would find most intriguing to read about for another chance to win a copy.

Join me…

at author Lyn Cote’s blog today where I’m talking about the strongest woman I know, friend and author of Finding Glory in the Thorns, Lisa Jamieson.