The Isabella Stewart Gardner Heist: 35 Years Later

Next year will mark the 10 year anniversary of the release of A Fool and His Monet–the first title in my Serena Jones Mysteries about my plucky FBI Art Crime Team agent and her foray into the world of art crime.

Review of Serena Jones Mysteries

Since solving the Gardner Museum Heist would represent the pinnacle of Serena’s career, its anniversary seems a fitting occasion to remember. 

Did I mention there is a $10,000,000 reward

for information leading to the safe return of the art?

March 18, 2025, is the 35th anniversary of the infamous, and still unsolved, Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum heist.

While St. Patrick’s Day revellers made their way home through the streets of Boston during the wee hours of Sunday, March 18th, 1990, two thieves disguised as police officers tricked their way into the museum by lying about a report of a disturbance in the courtyard.

Despite a strict rule to never open the door to anyone, the college student on door duty was allegedly persuaded to do just that by the authentic looking officers on the video monitor (not the actor pictured above 😉 ). The two men then quickly subdued him, and a second museum guard, before making off with 13 pieces of art valued at an estimated $500 million.

Among the stolen works were masterpieces by Vermeer, Rembrandt, and Degas, which made the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum Heist the single largest property theft in the world.

Read more about the heist and view photographs of the pieces stolen and take a virtual tour of the museum here: 

The heist left an indelible mark on the art world, prompting museums and galleries worldwide to tighten security measures. It also contributed to the eventual formation of the FBI Art Crime Team, a specialized unit dedicated to recovering stolen cultural property. Founded in 2004 by Robert K. Wittman, the team has recovered more than 15,000 stolen items, valued at over $800 million.

Notable Cases Investigated by the FBI and How They Inspired My Serena Jones Mysteries

  1. Boy Scout Jamboree Painting – A few months after 9/11, a Norman Rockwell painting depicting a Boy Scout Jamboree with the Twin Towers in the background was recovered. The return of such a poignant piece, at that time, resonated deeply with the nation. This sense of restoring to people the lost art and antiquities that have shaped their cultural history, inspired my characterization of FBI art crime agent Serena Jones in A Fool and His Monet, and the books that followed. Review of A Fool and His Monet
  2. Exposing Art Fraud – Since its inception, the FBI Art Crime Team has exposed numerous cases of art fraud of the variety Serena Jones uncovers in Another Day Another Dali. But according to the memoirs of the team’s founder, Robert K. Wittman, it was an earlier watershed case that put fraudsters on notice that the FBI was watching. That was the shocking exposure of how Pritchard and Juno ripped off viewers of the Antiques Roadshow. Sadly, while the FBI succeeded in securing convictions of the two men, the victims of their scams weren’t able to recover the valuable pieces for which they were grossly underpaid. Review of Another Day Another Dali
  3. The Recovery of Stolen Artifacts from Iraq – Between the looting of its National Museum in 2003 and ongoing looting at archeological sites, Iraq has lost a staggering number of historical artifacts. The newly established FBI Art Crime Team’s tireless efforts to recover and return these cultural treasures to Iraq resulted in several significant finds, although they estimate that upwards of 10,000 pieces are still missing. Nevertheless, since the FBI’s Art Crime Team’s establishment, members have orchestrated the return of numerous priceless and historically significant pieces to owners and countries around the globe. These efforts inspired the subject of Serena Jones’s work in Over Maya Dead Body.   

In fact, the real-life exploits of the FBI Art Crime Team were a huge inspiration for my Serena Jones Mysteries.

If you’re looking for a fun read with a solid mystery and plenty of chuckles, you’ll love Serena’s adventures as she navigates the world of art crime, quirky relatives, and a few too many close calls.

And… for those who’ve been asking:

YES!!!! 😀

I’m currently working on the much-requested sequel. My characters are currently running amok in my head in Greece. Sadly I’m not in Greece with them. but c’est la vie. Stay tuned for more details!

Your Turn: What do you think really happened to the stolen Gardner masterpieces? Let’s chat in the comments!


Special Valentine’s Interview & News

Harold has stopped by for an exclusive interview!

For those who haven’t read the Serena Jones Mysteries or if you’ve forgotten the characters, Harold is Serena’s lovable cat adopted along with the apartment from Aunt Martha.

Harold, in your first interview, after the release of A Fool and His Monet, you complained that you never got to see Serena in action. But that all changed in Over Maya Dead Body. Tell us about your trip to Martha’s Vineyard.

It was great. Well, except for those creatures on the beach with those nasty claws. <shivers> But the sweet feline I met made up for that. <purrs>

<gives his paw an absentminded lick>

Oh, and I was instrumental in finding important clues to solving the mystery.

Wow, that’s impressive for your first time in the field.


Now this was the big book a lot of readers were waiting for, because Serena finally falls in love. Were you happy with the man that ended up being?

Hmm, in my last interview I mentioned sneaking on Serena’s computer and voting for a certain someone, since you were letting readers dictate the outcome and all, so my answer could be a spoiler for anyone who hasn’t read Over Maya Dead Body, don’t you think?

Good point. You’re a smart cat.


A number of secrets were revealed in this book. Did you know them already?

<emits an amused snort> As long as I get two square meals a day and a warm bed to sleep in and a decent backrub now and again, I don’t get worked up about much else.

However . . . I will divulge something that isn’t in the book.

Oh, really? What’s that.

I’m going to ask that sweet feline you brought into my life to be my Valentine.  😎 

Ah, I’m sure she’ll be pleased.

Readers, if you’ve read Over Maya Dead Body, (and you’re on Facebook), I have a Valentine’s surprise for you too. Join our private Chat About Serena Jones Facebook group to read an alternate romantic scene between Serena and the man she doesn’t choose in the end.

Click here to read more fun interviews, including Harold’s first one.

Coming Soon:

From Feb 19-26, I’m participating in a BookSweeps event for Mysteries with Humor. Subscribe to this blog to be sure not to miss the entry link, or come back Feb 19th to find it.



Celebration Sale!

We’re celebrating the healthy birth of our newest grandchild with a month-long book sale! 

My publisher has slashed the E-book prices

in all formats on my

Serena Jones Mysteries

For those wishing to download Kobo or iBook versions, be aware that their prices haven’t yet changed, but they should soon! Click the image above to go to kindle versions. Click the book images in the side bar, for full descriptions. 

If you’ve finished the series…

Please join our chat (without spoiler worries) in our private Facebook group here:

Bonus Features

Did you know I post bonus features such as deleted scenes, character interviews and location pics for each of my novels? 

You can peruse the latest additions for Over Maya Dead Body, set on the beautiful Martha’s Vineyard here:  

And see why reviewers are saying: 


Chat Noir Mystery

It was such a treat to speak with Linda Kozar on her blog talk radio show about my newest Serena Jones Mystery—Over Maya Dead Body—amongst other things. 

She almost tripped me up with a few mystery questions at the end, but I managed to pull through. Whew!

Your Turn: Any questions you’d like to ask?

Will Serena Jones Lose Her Independence?

Happy Independence Day to my American friends! 

What an appropriate day to set free Serena’s final (or is it?) art crime mystery.

Then again, how long can she hope to keep her independence with her fans (not to mention her mother!) demanding she choose a man? 

Her mother is hopeful the engagement they’re traveling to Martha’s Vineyard to celebrate will inspire Serena. 

But first Serena needs to survive investigating the Maya antiquities art crime she stumbles onto. Did you know that some reports purport antiquities smuggling has become the second largest source of income for at least one major terrorist group? 

It’s an appealing way to make cash. After all, artifacts don’t set off metal detectors or attract gun- or drug-sniffing dogs.

Surprised? We shouldn’t be. The Nazis and Khmer Rouge financed their endeavors the same way.

If you’re looking for a fast-paced mystery, Over Maya Dead Body, will not disappoint. 

If you’re counting on the guy who you’re rooting for to win Serena’s heart…


I can’t make any promises.  😉 

BUT… if you’re on Facebook,

I’ve created a private group you can join after you’ve finished reading Over Maya Dead Body where you can chat about (or commiserate) on Serena’s choices without worries about spilling spoilers for the uninitiated.

We might even chat about how the series could continue. 

If there’s enough interest, I’m open to the idea. The head of security at the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum has suggested Serena try her hand at solving its 27-year-old, unsolved art heist. He said he could use her help.  😆 

I’ve already scoped the location. 😉 


I hope you have as much fun reading the Serena Jones Mysteries as I’ve had writing them. 

If you haven’t snagged a copy yet, click here for the synopsis and buying options. 

Your Turn: What would you like to see next?


Image Credits:

Ancient Ruins Image courtesy of franky242 at

Nazi Plunder Image: By Bundesarchiv, Bild 101I-729-0001-23 / Meister / CC-BY-SA 3.0, CC BY-SA 3.0 de,



99¢ Sale on A Fool and His Monet

If you haven’t started reading my Serena Jones Mysteries yet, here is your chance to for less than a buck! 

Serena Jones has a passion for recovering lost and stolen art–one that’s surpassed only by her zeal to uncover the truth about the art thief who murdered her grandfather. She’s joined the FBI Art Crime Team with the secret hope that one of her cases will lead to his killer. Now, despite her mother’s pleas to do something safer–like get married–Serena’s learning how to go undercover to catch thieves and black market traders.

When a local museum discovers an irreplaceable Monet missing, Jones leaps into action. The clues point in different directions, and her boss orders her to cease investigating her most promising suspect. But determined to solve the case and perhaps discover another clue in her grandfather’s murder, she pushes ahead, regardless of the danger.

Here’s what others are saying about A Fool and His Monet: 

an enthralling whodunit, replete with action, suspense, danger and a lot of humor. And there’s a hint of a real romance developing. Serena is a terrific lead series character.” ~Mysterious Reviews

“This intriguing look into the world of art theft from the perspective of an FBI agent, will keep readers guessing the twists and turns as to the identify and motive of the thief.” ~ RT Book Reviews

“Orchard debuts a lighthearted mystery series. Her quirky characters are laugh-out-loud funny and reminiscent of the protagonists in ­Janet Evanovich’s Stephanie Plum stories. Readers looking for a humorous mystery with a dash of romance may find it here.” ~ Library Journal Review

But don’t wait. The 99¢ sale ends Feb 28th 

Find it at your favourite Ebook retailer for all popular Ereaders: 

Kindle          Kobo           Nook                iBook


Laugh out loud and…develop your vocabulary!

And if you love the book, you can revisit the characters in: 



Begin Reading Another Day Another Dali…

It’s official…Another Day Another Dali, the second book in my Serena Jones Mysteries is now available. 

Here is an excerpt from the opening chapter to whet your appetite: 


I tore my gaze from the porch that wrapped around the drug dealer’s house and cringed at the number on my phone’s call display.

Mom said there’d be days like this.


Tanner, still decked out in his SWAT gear, peered over my shoulder as the phone vibrated insistently in my hand. “Good thing you’re a field-hardened FBI agent, so you don’t let little old ladies scare the pants off you.”

I sent him a silencing glare. Ignoring his grin, I turned away from the rest of the team traipsing in and out of the building, and clicked Connect. “Hi, Nana,” I said, injecting fake cheerfulness into my voice. “What’s up?”

“I need you to come see me.”

“You nee—are you okay?” My heart stuttered. If anything happened to Nana . . .

“Of course I’m okay. Stop stammering, girl.”

Tanner, still hovering close enough to hear her strident tones, snickered.

I placed a muffling hand over the phone.

“Excuse me, sir,” I said sweetly. “Don’t you have a forgery to bubble-wrap?” 292908_anotherdayanotherdaliorchard_romtimes_160x600wb

“Forgery?” His stunned look was so comical I forgave myself for rushing to a verdict before my usual careful perusal. Not that I was in any serious doubt about this particular painting.

“Really?” he said, broad shoulders slumping. When I arrived on scene, he boasted they’d turned up art so hot it was still smoking.

“Yup. Fake.” I, too, felt a pang of genuine regret that the “Renoir” hanging in the drug dealer’s den wasn’t the one on the FBI’s Ten Most Wanted list.

But I’d left Nana hanging.

Straightening my shoulders, I put the phone back to my ear. “Sorry, Nana. Um, I have to be at the youth drop-in center by seven to teach the art class, so . . .” I glanced at my watch and cast about for a workable solution, but there just wasn’t enough time. “I’m afraid—”

“Never mind,” she interrupted. “Obviously, you’re at work.” Where you shouldn’t be taking personal calls, her tone implied. “Call me when you get home.”

“Okay,” I said to dead air.

Annoyed at myself for the guilty feeling I couldn’t stop from churning my stomach, I turned to study the front of the house once more. Something was niggling at my brain.

“Um . . . Tanner,” I said, hesitating.


“There’s something . . .” I squinted against the dropping September sun, mentally reviewing the interior.

He grinned. “Stop stammering, girl. Spit it out.”

“Ha, ha.” Wait . . . “Oh, that’s got to be it!” I stuffed my phone in my pocket and headed back inside.

Tanner followed me. “What’s it?”

I stopped at the door to the den and glanced at the window three feet from the side wall.

“Serena? What’s going on?” Tanner pressed, trailing me to the next doorway, this one into a bedroom.

“The window is three feet from the wall, just like in the other room.”


“Where’s the attic hatch?”

“Mason checked the attic.”

“Humor me.”

“Don’t I always?” Tanner said. “I’m a funny guy.”

“Uh-huh.” He actually had the quickest wit of any guy I knew, even if he did run to cheesy puns sometimes.

Not that I’d admit that to him.

“Over here.” He steered me toward a stepladder set up near the back door. “But there’s nothing up there but insulation and mice.”

“Mice, huh? Are you trying to scare me out of looking?” I started climbing, and Tanner moved in to hold the ladder steady.

I pushed open the hatch and stuck my head into the attic.

“See?” Tanner said.

“Yes, I do.” I stepped down a couple of ladder rungs and flashed him a grin. “A false wall six to eight feet in from the back of the house.”

Tanner squeezed past me and beamed his flashlight around the vacant space. “Unbelievable. Mason should’ve caught that.”

“The wall’s covered in cobwebs and dust. It wouldn’t have registered unless you were looking for it.”

Tanner muttered something I couldn’t make out, but having been on the receiving end of his displeasure during my FBI training—granted, always earned—I didn’t envy poor Mason.

Tanner hoisted himself into the attic, then balance-beamed his way across a joist to the wall and examined every inch of it. “I don’t see any way to access what’s behind it.” He shone the light over the attic’s insulation-covered floor and then the shoe impressions he’d left in the dust on the joist. “It doesn’t look like anyone else has been up here recently. There must be another ceiling access panel.” He climbed back down, eyeing me with interest. “How’d you know to look for a secret room?”

I shrugged evasively.

Tanner followed me back to the room where the fake Renoir had been found and swept his flashlight beam over every inch of the ceiling. “There’s no other way up there that I can see.”

I maneuvered around the agent photographing evidence. The wall between this room and the next was decorated in wood panels and elaborate moldings that looked uncomfortably familiar. I ran my fingers along the moldings.

Tanner studied me. “What are you doing?”

“Looking for a secret panel.”

“Uh-huh. And you seem to know exactly what you’re doing here, Nancy Drew, because . . . ?”

I expelled a breath. “There was one at my grandfather’s house, okay?”

“Your grandfather? The one who was murdered?”

“Yes.” I blew away a strand of long, blond hair that had escaped my ponytail. “Maybe you could be helpful instead of giving me the third degree?”

“Sorry.” Tanner beamed his flashlight over the section of paneling I was running my hands over.

My fingertips made contact with the pressure sensor I’d been seeking and my breath caught. “Tanner, I’ve found—”


Primed to open it, I tossed a frown over my shoulder. “Are you really going to pull the SWAT-clears-every-room-first rule on this one?”

“No, I thought I’d rock-paper-scissors you for the privilege.” He motioned me to get out of his way.

My finger still on the sensor, I sidestepped two feet so he’d have a clear view as I pulled back the panel. “You ready? I’ll slide it open and you can call the all-clear.” I slid it three-quarters of an inch and froze. “Uh-oh.”

Tanner cursed. “Please tell me you’re messing with me.”

I gulped. “You don’t hear that ticking?”

He crouched down and shone his flashlight through the gap I’d opened. “Blast, Serena, don’t move a muscle.”

Yeah, got that.


“Tanner, could you stop using that word?”


Hooked?  🙂

Ask for it at your local bookstore or click here for more buying options:

If you missed the first book, A Fool and His Monet, I recommend reading it first, but each novel is truly a standalone, so not reading it won’t inhibit you from following book 2 in any way.

Tomorrow, October 19th, I am being interviewed at Emilie Hendryx’s blog and will be offering a paperback copy of Another Day Another Dali to one lucky commenter. Hope you’ll stop by and tell a friend.


In other News:

All my Love Inspired Suspense titles are on sale for only $1.99 for kindle at Amazon until October 25th

Find them here:


Goodreads Giveaway for Another Day Another Dali

Yes, I’m back! And ecstatic to have all my grandsons safely at home in time to celebrate my youngest daughter’s wedding next weekend.  🙂

So…if you’re reading between the lines, yup, life is still crazy busy around here.  😉

This little guy was born almost 12 weeks early at 1 lb 14 oz!

But ooohhh so good!

Another Day Another Dali, the second instalment in my Serena Jones Mysteries series, releases October 18th


And to celebrate, my publisher is sponsoring a Goodreads Giveaway of 5 copies open to members in the US and Canada, so…

If you’re part of the Goodreads book club, hop on over and enter by clicking here.

I’d love it if you’d help me spread the word too. This giveaway has already been going on for a couple of weeks and I only just clued into it!

Here is a twitter blurb that I think will work for those on twitter (ducking head, because I’m not on it): Love #mysteries? Check out Sandra Orchard’s #Goodreads #Giveaway #AnotherDayAnotherDali @RevellBooks

With everything going on in our family these past few months, marketing hasn’t exactly been on my radar. But thank you once again to all of you who have been praying for my grandsons these past few months. We couldn’t be happier with how they are both thriving.

Have a great week!


Team Nate Supporters Have Their Say

Last week, I shared the impassioned reasons of one avid reader on why Serena should choose Tanner. This week, I’m giving the floor to the self-declared president of Nate’s fan club.  😀

Take it away, Lisa!

I’m loving all these comments about Nate and Tanner. And I’m convinced more than ever that Nate is the man for Serena.

Why Nate?

First – Nate takes care of Serena’s cat. As a cat lover and owner, any man who volunteers to look after my beloved cat is a great guy!

Serena's Cat

Second – They have common interests that do not involve Serena’s job. As a couple, one can expect initial chemistry, but there has to be shared interests and great conversation skills to keep a relationship growing and fun. Serena and Nate talk, laugh, watch movies, share meals, love pets, and enjoy art (impressionist art nonetheless). Nate also makes popcorn. Any man who makes me popcorn is a keeper.


Third – Nate is smart, sexy, funny, handsome, and not married to his job.

screen shot from Bradley Cooper’s FB fan page

Fourth – Nate doesn’t kill the mice that appear in Serena’s apartment. He takes the time to drive them to a new location. This one hit home with me because my dad does the same thing. Whenever he or my mom find a mouse in their humane trap, my dad drives the little guy about ten miles away to a large field on the other side of town. My dad is one of the best guys on the planet, and if Nate shares some of my dad’s qualities, then Nate is perfect for Serena.

Fifth – I wasn’t overly fond of Tanner insulting Serena and Nate when he said that dating Nate is “an idiotic choice.” Petty comments reflect a person’s true character.

Sixth – Tanner’s also 10 years older. We’ve got to ask ourselves if he doesn’t have more of a bossy interest in Serena. He did manipulate his invitation to dinner through Serena’s parents, and he’s altogether too chummy with Serena’s father, essentially sucking up to his former professor.


Lastly, while I do believe that Tanner is a nice guy, let’s not forget that he was her supervisor and that they still work together. I’m not thrilled with co-worker relationships, and FBI agents dating could become distracting on a case. Not a smart move on Tanner’s part. In fact, probably a selfish move on Tanner’s part.

coworkers fighting

Nate has a life of his own, a great deal of mystery to that life which is rather exciting. I love a good mystery, hence the reason we read Sandra’s books.  😉

reader on treadmill

Nate is the one, the only one, for Serena!!

Your Turn: Wow, Lisa gives strong arguments and twice as many as Team Tanner. What do you think?

If you missed the arguments for Team Tanner, you’ll find them in the previous post.

And if you haven’t voted yet, you can vote here but please read A Fool and His Monet first.

Photo Credits: Popcorn Image courtesy of Carlos Porto at ; Two men chatting Image courtesy of stockimages at; Business woman scolding her colleague Image courtesy of stockimages at