Fun Friday – Book Giveaways!!!

Thank you to everyone who joined our conversations this week.
The winner of the signed copy of Highland Hearts is “Jennifer” (whose husband was injured). 
Please email me your mailing address and I will get the book to you. 
If you’re in the St.Catharines area, Saturday, March 24th, stop by and say hi to Eva and I at Heritage Christian Bookstore in the Grantham Plaza. 
We’ll be signing books between 1 and 3 pm. We have more prizes to giveaway!!
for a chance to win Deep Cover
Friday (today) is the last day!
The following bloggers are generously giving away a copy each of Shades of Truth, stop by and leave a comment for a chance to win, or feel free to pass on the news: 
I wish you all a fabulous weekend! 

Meet the Author of Highland Hearts

On Monday, we talked about Highland Hearts. Today I’d like to introduce you to its author, fellow Canadian, Eva Maria Hamilton.

I “met” Eva online soon after she signed her first contract with Love Inspired Historical, but it wasn’t until she made a comment on my Facebook page about wanting to visit the African Lion Safari, too, that I realized she lived near me.

In fact, she lives less than an hour away. As fellow newbie LI authors and fellow Southern Ontarioians, we became fast friends.

Last Saturday we even held a joint book signing together!

I asked her a few questions so we could all get to know her a little better.

What do want your readers to take away after the last page?

I want readers to take away the message that where there is love, anything is possible. If something is that important to you, never give up.

We talked about some great examples of that on Monday’s blog. Would you share with us a favorite character from a book you have read?

Here’s one from childhood – Ralph from The Lord of the Rings. Despite personal injury or rejection Ralph never backs down from his beliefs or his integrity. He is a leader not a follower.

Sounds like he might have inspired your hero. Could you share with us something that the enemy could have used to hurt you in some way, but God turned it around for good?

I had a truly horrible pregnancy. Without getting into detail I was in constant pain. A complete invalid. However I didn’t let that depress me. I dealt with it the best I could. And being unable to walk or even move much and thus stuck in my house I started writing. And that has turned into a blessing. I’m now a writer for Harlequin’s Love Inspired Historical line and loving every minute of it.

Wow, I had no idea! It always amazes me how God can turn our trials into triumph.

Do you have a life and/or a ministry verse (or for this book)?

The verse that resonates throughout Highland Hearts is Song of Solomon 2:10-13.
“My lover spoke and said to me, ‘Arise my darling, my beautiful one, and come with me. See! The winter is past; the rains are over and gone. Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come. The cooing of doves is heard in our land. The fig tree forms its early fruit; the blossoming vines spread their fragrance. Arise, come, my darling; my beautiful one, come with me.'”

Is there anything I didn’t ask that you would like to add?

Right now I am working on a proposal for Harlequin’s Love Inspired Historical line that is also set in 18th century Scotland.

To find out more about Highland Hearts and connect with me online please visit my website at where you can also view the book trailer I created. If anyone is interested in reading the first scene from Highland Hearts please follow this link: 

Here’s Eva’s official bio: Eva Maria Hamilton spent years studying people from all different areas of academia and brings that understanding of the human condition into each of her written pieces. An advocate for lifelong learning, Eva Maria Hamilton studied in both Canada and the United States, earning a diploma in Human Resources Management, a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology, an Honors Bachelor of Arts Degree in History, and a Master of Science in Education.

Your Turn: Could you share something that the enemy could have used to hurt you in some way, but God turned it around for good?

On Friday’s blog I will announce the recipient of the signed copy of Highland Hearts, chosen from those who left comments Monday or today, so be sure to check back.

Highland Hearts – Character Discussion & Giveaway

Today we’re going to talk about the hero in Eva Maria Hamilton’s debut Love Inspired Historical, Highland Hearts.

I read the book last week. What a treat! Here’s a brief description before we chat: 

Logan McAllister survived years of indentured servitude in America to reach this moment. Now he’s returned to Scotland, ready to redeem the secret promise from Sheena Montgomery’s father—that five years as a servant would earn him Sheena’s hand in marriage. But when he arrives home, he learns that Sheena’s father has died, his contract has been lost…and Sheena is engaged to another man.

Sheena has spent the past five years trying to forget Logan, the man who abandoned her with no explanation. She won’t listen to his protests that he loves her—has always loved her. It’ll take more than empty promises to win her back…and to prove that his highland heart is hers forever.

I greatly admire this hero. Logan loved Sheena so much that he was willing to do anything to gain her father’s permission to wed her, even selling himself into what amounted to slavery.

And although I hate that he never told Sheena why he was leaving Scotland, I admire the kind of integrity it took to honor her father’s conditions rather than divulge the secret to the woman he loved, a woman he could have trusted to not betray to her father that she knew.

So here’s our question for discussion…and this week, I’ll be giving away a signed copy of Highland Hearts to one of our participants so don’t be shy!

Your Turn: When have you challenged yourself and pushed yourself to your limit to accomplish something important to you? Did you succeed? Was it worth the effort?


if you haven’t felt challenged in this way, what kind of circumstance might drive you to push yourself to the limit to achieve your desired goal?

Fun Friday – Animal Behavior

Did you know that method actors often study animal behavior to perfect characterizations?

I often find inspiration for my fictional characters from animals. Take this picture for example.

Is the cat yawning, yowling, yodeling, yelling for help? What’s it doing in the corner? Was it sent there? Is it stuck? 

Your Turn: Give your imagination a workout and tell a story about what’s happening in the picture.  

Wanna Play Tag?

Spring is in the air. The neighborhood children are out of school. Perfect weather for playing tag. Apparently, bloggers feel the same. 

Monday I was tagged by Loree Huebner, a talented historical fiction writer and civil war re-enactor. I always learn something interesting at her blog Between You, Me, and the Gatepost….  She posts each Monday, I encourage you to stop by. This week she answered the same questions as below, and the previous Monday she had a great post on the woman who started the Red Cross.

The rules of being tagged are to answer the questions that Loree has left for us. Here are mine!

1 Book or movie and why?
Depends. If my eyes are tired from writing on the computer all day, or if I want to spend cuddle time with hubby, I’ll pick movie. But on my own, I’ll take a book.

2 Real book or e-book?
Ebook. I love how easy on the eyes my Kindle is since it’s not back lit like a computer screen. I can make the print as large as I want and it’s far lighter than holding a book.

3 Funniest thing you’ve done in the past 5 years?
While on vacation with our neighbors, I went up to my friend’s husband (who’s old enough to be my father and a flirt) with a big smile and my hands behind my back. I said, “Nancy said it would be okay to give you a big kiss for your birthday.” After a momentarily surprised expression, he grinned and leaned forward to receive it. I quickly drew my hands up between us and presented an enormous Hershey’s Kiss.

4 How would your best friend describe you?
I’m not sure. I’ll have to ask her!

5 How do you put yourself into the books you read/write or the movies you watch?
I write romantic suspense so my heroine is in danger…a lot. And she’s single. I’m neither, so I rely heavily on my imagination. 

6 Favorite kind of car and why?

Horse drawn carriage, because it’s so romantic. 

7 Would your choice party be a catered meal or a BBQ out back?
I’m not a huge BBQ fan, but I definitely prefer the casual atmosphere of a BBQ. My choice party is pot luck.
8 What’s your favorite season and why?
Spring. I love seeing new flowers and trees budding almost daily, listening to the birds singing, and feeling the warmth of the sun after a cold winter.

9 What specific lesson have you learned – Spiritual, educational, occupational?
Don’t sweat the small stuff. Everything’s small stuff.
10 Besides writing, what’s your favorite thing to do when you get some extra time?

Play with my grandbaby!

11 What’s one place you can be found at least one time every week?


Now I’m supposed to tag 11 awesome bloggers. I wish I could tag everyone. I tagged a selection of the blogs I visit that are written by just one blogger,  and who I hoped hadn’t been tagged before. If you see your name below, you are tagged. (I provided the links to their blogs, so you could visit, too). 

Awesome Bloggers: Answer the same 11 questions that I did. No pressure to play along – all in good fun.

For Readers:

For Writers:
The Graveyard Shift ~ written by a cop for writers ~grin~

 For Fun: 

Oh, and while I’m sharing blog links…

Giving away a copy of Deep Cover “here” this week

Let’s Play Suspense Writer

One of the discussion questions at the back of Shades of Truth is: Kim wants to believe the best of everyone…How might that endanger her?

These kinds of questions are a suspense writer’s launching pad to all sorts of mayhem.

Let’s have some fun tossing around ideas. I’ll start.

For simplicity, we’ll pretend “Kim” could be any one of us, single or married.

What if she gets a text from her “hubby” saying he’s at the bank and forgotten the password for their bank card, and would she text it to him. Does she believe him?

Of course. Her husband’s notorious for forgetting passwords and his name came up on the caller ID.  She has the fleeting thought that there are people who tap cell phones. But it’s not as though anyone can “hear” a text message, so she quickly texts him back, and then deletes the message for security.

A few minutes later she gets a call from her hubby asking if he left his cell phone and wallet at home. Oops.

Your Turn: Who might a woman trust or believe, only to have that trust come back to bite her?

Fun Friday – Writing Maxims & Real Life

You’ve no doubt heard the saying that what’s good for the goose is good for the gander. 

Not so when the goose is a novelist and the gander is her alter-ego–mom, wife or employee!

Today on the American Christian Fiction Writer’s blog, I’m sharing how one simple trick can make an author’s novel come alive.

Start late. Leave early. 

Great advice for a novelist who wants to create page turning suspense. 

Not so great advice for how to win that new promotion at work, or your daughter’s undying affection when she’s playing in the championship game or making her ballet debut. 

Your Turn: Do you have any maxims you try to live by?

Write Off the Deep End

Pay attention. There will be a test. There will be prizes.

Shades of Truth has officially released and it should be in stores by the weekend!!!

What does that have to do with writing off the deep end?!

Allow me to introduce my fellow Wodians. So named for our writing group: WODE–which stands for Write Off the Deep End.

Readers and writers alike often ask me about my writing process. These ladies are a big part of it. Once a month we get together to offer each other feedback on what we’ve written or to brainstorm new story ideas.

The group “found me” a few years ago after my RWA magazine was delivered to the wrong house. (Divine redirection!) The recipient was so excited to find another writer in our community that she hand-delivered the magazine and invited me to the next WODE meeting.

She has since become a treasured critique partner. Remember the grocery store murder discussion from January? That was with her. 🙂

In honor of the positive impact WODE has had on my writing career, I used the “word” WODE in Shades of Truth.

Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to find the location and email me the page number (and book version). 🙂 In June, I will draw from a hat the name (of all correct answers) and they will receive a $25 gift certificate for their favorite book retailer.

Your Turn: Do you have a special friend or group with which you share a common interest or hobby or pursuit?

Blog Tour Announcement

Today, I’m a guest at Lyn Cote’s blog Strong Women, talking a bit about the ministry behind the real Hope Manor, which inspired my fictional youth detention center in Shades of Truth


This week…I’m the featured author at American Christian Fiction Writers. 

I had fun with one of the questions on the interview–and would like to hear your answers? 

Your Turn: What’s one piece of trivia that most people people don’t know about you?